Thursday, January 17, 2013

P90X - Doing The Frog...

P90X – Doing the Frog…
Today, my 41st P90X day was a long one. Yes, being Thursday, Yoga was on the schedule. I started early and had the 1 ½ hour routine completed by 9:30ish. After doing some home-admin stuff, I prepared lunch for Kerry’s mom before heading to the gym for yet another 3 mile run.
My running is beginning to show improvement. I am now running faster; shaving 5 minutes off of my 3 mile target. These results just go to show…If you bring it, it will come!
As far as my Yoga goes, I can finally touch the ground when bending over, something I haven’t done for decades. The Plow, got it. Doing the Frog, easy. There are still some moves that challenge me and for those I remind myself of my own limitations (and age). My goals are obtainable because I’ve made them reasonable.
On a somber note, Kerry headed to Las Vegas today, without me  : (  
My granddaughter Daisy is performing at a gymnastics competition in Vegas and her Grammy drove out there to cheer her on. This is great for Daisy, sad for me. This house seems empty without my soul mate so maybe to fill the void, I will dive into some serious P90X…tomorrow.

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