Saturday, January 26, 2013

P90X - As Soaked As Kerry...

P90X –As Soaked As Kerry…
What a rain. Kerry waited for it to subside before heading out for her usual 6 mile walk with her walking buddy (a former co-worker). They thought they had the weather beat, but as we all know, never try to second guess what Mother Nature may (or may not) do. As the girls reached the halfway point of their Saturday morning jaunt the heavens opened up and the rains returned. They had no option other than to endure and continue on. They were halfway up a canyon with no shelters nearby, no passing traffic to flag down and no umbrellas. They got home drenched.
I was drenched as well, but for a different reason. Today was my 48th P90X day, one filled with Kenpo X and a 3 mile run to boot. The last time I tried to do the Kenpo DVD I was coming down with a bug, forcing me to quit before I was done. Today I kept up with each and every exercise, step for step, punch for punch and kick for kick. By the time the DVD was done I had a pretty good sweat going on.
Now, if I thought I was wet before, when I got back from my 3 mile run at the gym, I was almost as soaked as Kerry was after her walk today.
I am almost half way done with Phase 2 of the P90X journey. Time sure flies by when you’re having fun.
                                                                     Take That

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