Monday, January 7, 2013

P90X - Knots Landing...

P90X – Knots Landing…
Today is the first day of my second phase of P90X. Yes, I am on my journeys 31st day and I wasn’t going to let a small thing like wounds and stitches slow me down.
I was somewhat excited about the routine today. This would be the first time I got follow along with the Chest, Shoulders & Triceps DVD. Most of it was manageable but I did have some hurtles to clear, due to the sutures on my right hand. Even though the wound is closed and healing, the stitches still have my skin puckered at each suture site. My skin will return to its normal smooth contour a few days after the sutures are removed. Of course there will be a scar, but being a guy, I am cool with that. When I exercise, using my right hand, the suture knots landing up against my wound causes a little discomfort. I found a work-around.
Today, there were plenty of weight curls and pushups. When one does a pushup, their hands are firmly planted on the floor with fingers wide apart. If I did that with my right hand I would rip every stitch open, so instead I use my weights as a pushup bar, with a dish towel wrapped around the bar of the weight. This gave my right hand a nice cushy surface to grab on to. For the most part, it worked perfectly. Did I do as many pushups as the instructor did? Nope! Did I come close? Nope! Did I do as many as I could and when I thought I couldn’t do any more try to push another 1 or 2 out? Absolutely!
After my workout Kerry and I took the dog for a neighborhood walk, logging in a mile or so before heading back to the house. She wanted to run some errands. As she went shopping I continued on with my P90X obligation for day 1 of Phase 2; Ab Ripper X.  Done; and I’m beat (feel good) but glad that I am done for the day with P90X.
After taking 1 ½ weeks off due to my dance with the cactus I realize that once one is finished the entire program, it is imperative that they continue on with some sort of maintenance routine. Even if it means doing something physical every other day, you have to keep it up. If not, your body will fall into a not-so-good place where it will feel very comfortable; a place you will find mentally difficult to come out of. Been there, done that!
Don’t just Bring It – Keep It!
                                                                  I Did It

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