Wednesday, January 2, 2013

P90X - Run Forest Run...

P90X – Run Forest Run…
As I mentioned to you in a previous blog about my hand injury, when I came out of surgery, and started waking up from the general anesthesia they gave me, I asked the doctor and nurses 9 times if I could still go running. I don’t remember asking, but they laughed as they told me once I was fully awake.
Obviously, I will not be doing any P90X until I get my stitches out next week, but could I run? Today I headed to the gym and did just that. I knocked 3 miles out with bandaged hand swinging opposite my good hand. One of two things could happen. 1) With my elevated heart rate and constant swaying back and forth of my wounded hand, a serious throbbing will set in, causing me discomfort. Or 2), Nothing out of the ordinary will occur, other than me getting all sweaty. Option 2 it was. As I started the tread mill, and got it up to speed, that saying from the movie Forest Gump popped into my head and made me laugh…”Run Forest, Run”
So, unless my day is booked, or a piano falls from the sky and lands upon my head, I am going to run “every” day from now until these sutures are removed. Gotta keep moving forward…

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