Monday, December 31, 2012

P90X - Stitches...

P90X – Stitches…
Quick update. Today was the day that Kerry (my private nurse – and wife) changed my wound dressings. Finally, I get to see what sort of damage was done by that STUPID agave.
As the inner wrappings were removed, there were a few pieces that were stuck to either the wound or to a stitch. Kerry was extremely careful in removing the gauze. I was glad that I was sitting down. I find it interesting that when I used to work in the O.R., I was usually elbows deep in human anatomy (mostly living). But show me a stitched laceration, on my own hand, and I turn into a wimpy light headed girly girl kind of patient…well, sort of.
The finger looks a little purple and swollen. The anastomoses looks good and there is an area that the surgeon left open so if there is an infection, natural drainage can occur. In retrospect, the dressings make the injury look worse than it is.
Usually, when one gets a cut, it is either stitched up or a simple band aid is applied. It will be a little sore, but soon it scabs over and heals nicely…life goes on. My problem is the location. The penetration occurred on my right hand ring finger, just above where the finger connects to the hand. The exit wound is on the other side right in the knuckle crease. The incision wraps 180 degrees around the finger from entry wound to exit wound. The doctor wants me to keep trying to move the finger (the joint/the knuckle/the incision). Time for some more Tylenol.
I think I will wait until my hand stops throbbing and I have a little more pain-free movement before getting back into aggressive P90X. Maybe in the meantime, I will try a little Yoga (or maybe not).
                                                      How I will spend my day

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