Tuesday, December 11, 2012

P90X - Any Excuse Will Do...

Jumping High

P90X – Any Excuse Will Do…
What a strange day. First of all, I slept in and really didn’t feel like getting out of bed. Was I sick, you ask? Nope, just me feeling lazy. You know the feeling; your bed is nice and toasty, blankets up around your chin, dog curled up tightly next to you, purring like a cat. That was how my day began. Since this was to be my “Day 13” a few extra minutes in bed was my reward…I enjoyed my reward.
Day 13 means tomorrow will be my 2 week bench mark from the day I started this journey. Way Cool!
So, since I got up late, things seemed to fall into a take-your-time kind of priority. I’ll get to it later, was my constant excuse. For the most part, I did get to it later, all though I didn’t really want to. At 10:00am I got a call. It was a friend of mine. We were supposed to meet at Costco at 10am and he was curious as to why I wasn’t there. Opps – me bad! “I’ll be there in 15 to 20 minutes,” I told him as I headed out the door. Since I was wearing my gym (running) outfit, I thought I would go to the gym on my way home and get my 3 mile run out of the way.
Up until today I always did my 3 mile run on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, sometime after doing my P90X routine for the day. Today I reversed it (not intentionally). I figured, “Why not?” After all, running 3 miles would loosen up those leg muscles, which I would assume to be a good thing before starting today’s routine, in theory anyways.
Here’s what happened; the run was great. Got my heart rate up and stayed the course for the duration. When I got home, I took care of a few chores before starting the 58 minute Plyometrics DVD. After the initial warm up I desperately wanted to stop. My brain was coming up with excuses, but I was forcing my body to ignore those cries. Then there was forty minutes left- I wanted to stop even more. I continued on and finally made it through to the cool down, and the end of the day’s routine. I think the reason why my heart just wasn’t into it today was due to the change of routine. I will have to experiment with my schedule to see what works best. So far, I think diving right in sometime in the early morning agrees with my mind and body the most. I’ll keep you posted.
                                                             Jumping Higher

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