Thursday, December 20, 2012

P90X - The Problem With Yoga...

P90X –The Problem With Yoga…
Last night the outside temp dropped down to 32 degrees. When I got up this morning that is where the mercury stayed, for at least another hour. I was looking forward to getting into my routine today, to warm up my insides (and outsides too).
Today was day 22, and a Thursday, which can only mean one thing; YOGA. When I started the DVD I was excited to get going, but as I got into it, I realized that I had forgotten just how difficult Yoga can be. The problem with Yoga is the intensity of the bends and stretches. Yes, in just one short week I already forgot how much work Yoga actually was.
I think the reason it was more difficult today was because last Thursday, Kerry did it with me. Everyone loves an exercise buddy. I know I do. Today she went to the gym and did her Pilates class. She really enjoys the exercise and full-class interaction.  So, here I was, in my exercise room, pushing and pulling, bending and twisting like crazy. When the DVD got to a move that I couldn’t do, I improvised. My favorite part was the last part, where Tony has us on out back, legs and arms stretched out, doing nothing but resting, for a full sixty seconds. Then, just when you think it can’t get any better, he has us curl up in the fetal position; more resting, more deep relaxation. It’s a good way to end the program.
After 1 ½ hours of Yoga, I focused on a few errands before driving to the gym to do my 3 mile run. How can a regular guy (or girl) who has a 9 to 5 job, find the time to dedicate to these routines? I guess if one gets up at 4am and does their P90X before showering, dressing, eating and heading for the office for the day, it could be done. Nick, my youngest son is doing his while working a full time job, caring for a new born baby and working on his Masters, all at the same time. He must sleep well at night.
It won’t be long before I end Phase 1 and dive right into Phase 2 of my P90X journey. I don’t expect to see immediate results but I do expect to see some dramatic ones by time I am deep into Phase 3 (the final Phase). I’ll keep you posted.
Oh, and as an FYI, I decided not to measure myself at the end of Phase 1. So, if you were expecting a progress report at the end of next week…Sorry!

I Just Can't Bend Like That
Not Yet Anyways

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