Tuesday, December 25, 2012

P90X – I Guess I Was On Santa’s Nice List…
Being Christmas day (and my 27th day of P90X) I was overjoyed to see what Santa left for me beneath the tree. As I handed out the gifts, I came across one that seemed rather heavy and had no name on it. I looked at Kerry and she smiled as she said, “That one is for you from Mom.”
As I opened the gift, I had an idea of what it was. It was one of two pieces of equipment that I was missing from my exercise routines. I was pleased to see a set of Dumbbells. “Perfect”  The next gift for me completed my “wish list”… Kerry got me a set of Yoga Blocks, to give me that little extra stretch. Now, my equipment list was complete. I guess I was on Santa’s Nice list last year.
Next week as I continue on with my P90X journey I have no excuses for not pushing it as far as I can. Bring it.
Even though today is Christmas, I decided to continue with my journey down the P90X path. Today’s routine was a new one for me. Core Synergistics first appears on the Tuesday of the last week of the first month (phase one). Guess what? That is today. I also planned on running my usual 3 miles each day this week, but for two reasons I am going to pass on the running (for today only). 1st, it is Christmas and 2nd; the gym is closed today…the one day per year that the gym locks its doors.
I hope you all are having a special day today and as you open your gifts or feast on that amazing meal being prepared, for just one moment, please bow your head and give thanks for all that you have and pray a blessing for those who have not.

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