Sunday, December 23, 2012

P90X - What Is This? Can It Be?

P90X – What Is This? Can It Be?
Sunday, the day of worship…December 23rd, 2012, is my 25th day of doing P90X. Again, I will speak briefly about accomplishments. This being a Stretch X day, I found myself making attempts at some of the more advanced stretches. I still have a hard time bending at the waist with straight (flat) back while slowly lowering myself to where I am supposed to be able to tough the floor.
Wait, hold on a minute. What is this? Can it be? My finger tips are actually touching the floor without bending my knees. Now, keep in mind that my legs are spread apart and I am still working the tendons to give me just a little more reach. My tendons are listening to me and surrendering to my demands, 1 centimeter at a time. The Stretch X routine continued, with me struggling here and there. But the effort is where the payoff is and today was payday.
My second “big” accomplishment was being able to fold myself into the Plow position. That was another first for me. Did my feet actually reach over my head with toes touching the floor? Not even close, but my legs were folded over my head, parallel to the floor with my shoulders firmly planted supporting my body weight. Now that was cool!
So, in summary, this just goes to show that even an old dog like me can learn to do things that only a few weeks ago I thought impossible. If one takes their time, and learns proper body mechanics, they can, over time, re-wire and re-hinge what we call the human body.
CAUTION: I am in no way doing exercises at the same intensity level as my on screen instructors. For me to do so would surely result in injury and failure. But I am doing these exercises at a level of intensity that works for me (or for someone in my condition). I do believe that over time, I will become more and more capable to achieve outrageous goals, but for now, my goal is the finish line…without injury. Thank God for the hot tub.

                                         Not The Stretch I Was Looking For

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