Saturday, December 1, 2012

P90X - That's Gonna Hurt...

Day Three – That’s Gonna Hurt!
Today’s routine was completely focused on the Martial Arts (Kenpo). The program lasted 58 minutes but seemed to go by quickly. Just like yesterday, the instructor and his on-screen followers looked fabulous as they got the session beyond the warm up phase and into the high cardio workout. I didn’t look so fabulous. If anything, I looked comical trying to bend and kick where and how they wanted me to.
Allow me to give you a little history on my family and the martial arts. It goes back to Harry Henson Hunter, my father’s dad. This guy ran away from home when he was maybe 14 or 15 and joined the Royal Navy (yes, he was British). Of course he lied about his age and it took the Navy awhile to discover their mistake. When they brought Harry home, his dad told the Navy to keep him. “If that &%@# kid thinks he is tough and wants to sail the 7 seas, then let him finish what he signed up for,” his dad cursed to the authorities. The Navy kept Harry and he ended up staying in until his retirement. While sailing around the world Harry learned to fight and he fought often and he fought well. He ended up becoming a multi Dan Jujitsu black belt. Nobody messed with Harry. His neck was actually wider than his head – all muscle.
So, once he retired, he moved to Canada, with family in tow and took a position of Hand to Hand instructor for the local police. He also taught his kids how to protect themselves as well.  Yes, my father and his sisters were all black belts before they were 16. When I was 14 or 15, I decided to continue on with the family tradition and started studying Korean Karate under Master Watinabi. After a couple of years I was injured during a competition and ended up in the hospital. I decided to hang up my Gi. I always loved the discipline and a big part of that training has stayed with me all these decades (without the dexterity of course).
So, why am I telling you all of this? Simple…the moves that they are trying to get me to do in the Kenpo segment of the P90X program are the same moves that once upon a time I was able to do with ease. When I look at myself trying to lean forward and execute a backward kick while pivoting my upper body forward (and looking back at the same time) I find myself laughing at how stiff and locked up my joints really are. My range of motion is somewhat limited compared to the younger me.
This picture came to me while I was awkwardly delivering a series of forward, side and back kick sequences. Picture a door, all nice and pretty. It is hung in its door frame and with the slightest touch, the hinges allow the door to freely swing back and forth. I was once that door. Now, let’s neglect those hinges – no oil – no cleaning – no movement. Just let that door sit there for years (or decades) without much thought or care. Then after a long period of time has passed, you try and open that door. The rusty hinges squeak and moan and can barely move. That door, and its hinges are stiff. Those hinges are my joints. My hinges still work but not like they used to.
I am confident that over the next 90 days (or should I say 87) my form will improve and my joint movement will be more forgiving. I hope you are looking forward to sharing that journey with me.
As far as the upper body stuff went today (multiple punch and block sequences) it all came back to me quickly. It was as if I was once again dancing the Kata of my youth. My heart rate was right on target and I was able to keep up without much trouble. 

When the Kenpo routine was done, I actually had a little energy left over. I quickly gave Chris her lunch and then headed to the gym to do a 3 mile run. Now, it's nap time.

                                          Hey Mom, Look what I can do

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