Friday, December 14, 2012

P90X - How Many Can You Do?

P90X – How Many Can You DO?
Day 16, Friday, the week is almost done. Today was all about Legs and Back. To my surprise, Kerry decided to join in while baking more Christmas goodies at the same time. She would join in for an exercise or two before heading to the kitchen to do something baking related. I stayed the course.
I am finding the various routines more enjoyable, mostly because I can do my own versions of them. Would Tony be proud of me…probably not? He would most likely be right there behind me yelling, “Lift that head” or “Straighten that back” or “Higher” “Straighter” “Faster” “How many can you do?”
Kerry actually told me at one point that I needed to move my knees back to the point where they were over my ankles. I argued that if I did, I would fall. She persisted…I didn’t fall. Yea yea, I know, she was right.
The chin up is still a challenge for me, but you know what they say; “Bring It”  
Using a chin up bar, in a standard doorway, there is no way I can hang with arms stretched above me and pull myself up to the full chin up position.  First, when I grab the bar and stretch my arms, I am almost on my knees. So, in order to train myself properly I do grab the bar and allow myself to hang with straight arms. With feet on the ground and knees bent I use my upper body (arms) to lift myself up to a standing position (without using my legs). I can feel the burn.  After doing this for 11 – 15 reps, I feel like I have accomplished what I needed to do. Other times, when not doing a routine, every time I walk by the doorway with the chin up bar I grab on and do 1 – 3 chin ups (actually it is more like 1 chin up and while I have my chin up at the bar level, I lower myself a few inches and pull back up again. I do this a couple of times). Have you ever watched Tony doing chin ups? The man is a chin up machine.
The day is going by too quickly. The baking is done and gift packages (food) have been delivered to friends and neighbors. People have stopped by to sing carols to Chris and yes, we are even having an overnight guest. So, as far as Ab Ripper X goes, I won’t be doing that routine today. Maybe I will add it to tomorrow’s routine…Maybe not!

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