Saturday, December 15, 2012

P90X - Oh The Weather Outside Is Frightful...

P90X – Oh The Weather Outside Is Frightful…
Today is Day 17 for me and my adventure down this long and twisted road. Being a Saturday, I get to play Kung Fu Warrior as today’s routine is Kenpo.
I can see why a lot of gyms have mirrors on the walls. It gives you the opportunity to monitor your stance and posture while performing the various maneuvers. In my exercise room (which is actually a massage room with an air mattress hidden behind the drape for those times when we need an extra bedroom) I have no mirrors. What I do have are various pictures hanging on the walls and one of them (titled Ole, from the Bugs Eye View series, painted by our friend Elizabeth Von Isser) has a large black area in the center of the painting. This darker part of the picture lines up with my head so when I look into it, the glass actually acts as a mirror. When I am doing my punching and blocking moves I turn to this picture and aim my aggression towards my own face. This has helped me with my focus, aim and intensity.
Since I didn’t get to do my Ab Ripper X routine yesterday due to a busy day’s schedule, before I got into the cool down of today’s Kenpo routine I went right into the Ab Ripper DVD. My muscles were still roaring and ready for more and I was surprised at how much more I was able to do, compare to just a few days ago. I still have a “LONG” way to go.
By the time Kerry got back from her hike, I had put the Kenpo and Ab Ripper routines behind me. I was ready to go to the gym and knock out a 3 mile run. “Bring It”
It has been raining here for a couple of days now and as I write this Blog, the rain continues. Being the Christmas season, that song pops into my head…you now the one? “Oh the weather outside is frightful. But the fire is so delightful…”  Well, here in Tucson the weather outside is extremely delightful…we love the rain. Yesterday we had snow covering the mountains out back and even though the rain still drizzles, Kerry went for a 4 mile hike this morning (Sabino Canyon – 2 miles in and 2 miles out). She has always been an exercise lover...walks, pilates, yoga, anything that works the heart and tones the muscles. I do enjoy it when she joins me on my P90X routines. She moves like a cat and that makes me happily jealous.
...MEOW This...

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