Monday, December 24, 2012

P90X - Twas The Day Before Christmas...

P90X – Twas The Day Before Christmas
This is my first day of the last week of my phase one. What does that mean? Yoga, yupp 1 ½ hours of core work along with some balance and stretching thrown in for good measure.
I thought, being my 26th consecutive P90X day I would switch it up a bit. For the past three weeks, each running day was started with the P90X routine followed by my trip to the gym to do my 3 mile run. Today I reversed it. I went to the gym first, getting the run out of the way before starting my Yoga routine. I must say, today’s run was fantastic. I had so much energy and drive; I actually came home with big grin on my face. It was way too cool. The Yoga was difficult and like usual, some of the maneuvers I could not do, but I gave it the old college try.
As I ran today, a poem popped into my head. I thought I would close today with that poem, my gift to you.

Twas the day before Christmas
Twas the day before Christmas as my muscles did flex                                                                          
With a healthier diet along with my P90X                                                                                              
To what did I see, as I stepped upon the scale                                                                                         
A number so small, it caused me to yell.
Kerry came running to see what I needed                                                                                          
"Read my weight for me now," I so desperately pleaded                                                                        
As she lowered her head to study the dial                                                                                           
She hummed and she hawed, and took quite a while.

My Christmas gift to me, was so deep and profound                                                                              
I danced and I sang, “Yahoo, I lost a pound”                                                                                        
So my wish for you all is a happy good night                                                                                       
And don’t give up exercising, and remember, Eat Right
Kerry and I wish you and all of those you love and those who love you and those who love those who love you a Merriest Christmas day and a Blessed New Year.

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