Saturday, December 8, 2012

P90X - Not Hooked Yet...

P90X - Day Ten
Being a Kempo day, I eagerly began my routine with a goal of at least being able to kick higher than knee height. I was successful, somewhat!
I do get a lot of joy from this routine – much more than I do from the others. I am still trying to wrap my head around the time and sweat I have to invest in order to see this thing to the end. Like everything else in life, there is a beginning and an end and I do look forward to the day when I will blog about writing my last P90X posting.  Hopefully, that day I will be able to share with you my end-result measurements and compare them to my pre-P90X measurements.
I am looking forward to the day when doing these various routines becomes addictive. Nick, my youngest (and the one who got me started on this P90X path) told me that he was indeed addicted to the program and is now doing it for the second time. When that day comes for me, you will most likely be able to sense a more upbeat rhythm to my postings: Less doom and gloom and more butterflies and daisys. I want to feel incomplete if I miss a routine. I want to have my wife Kerry checking on me when she hears loud grunts coming from the exercise room. Now, I feel kind of weird grunting out loud, so I hold back. On the inside I am screaming but on the outside I am just holding it all in, except for the sweat.
After my most enjoyable Kempo session today, I headed directly to the gym and ran a most enjoyable 3 miles. Now I get to relax for the rest of the day. I really need a shower (seriously).
How many of you remember where this line came from?  “Try and take the pebble from my hand, Grasshopper.”

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