Friday, December 21, 2012

P90X - 5, 5 + 1

P90X – 5, 5 + 1
Well, what can I say about success? Does it come often enough? Nope! Do we enjoy it when it does arrive? Yupp! When it does come, does it do so easily? No way!  Well today, my 23rd P90X day, provided me with a small hurtle, one that I will take as a success.
Being the 3rd Friday of my Phase 1 program, Legs and Back were on the P90X menu, followed with a nice dose of Ab Ripper X. Now, let me emphasis here one very important thing for those of you who are not familiar with P90X. When I say things like Ab Ripper X, please don’t get the image of me with a solid 6 pack and zero body fat. At my age and condition I am lucky to just be able to keep up with the DVD instructor. Will my tummy be more firm? Absolutely, but not ripped. The only thing I will have that could be ripped is my shorts from bending and twisting the way they encourage me to bend and twist.
Allow me to get back to my little rant on success. Today’s success was on the pull up bar (chin up bar). I am sure a lot of you younger people out there can do a dozen chin ups without breaking a sweat. Not me! I sweat..a lot! Today’s session had me spending some time on the pull up bar. Did I do wide hold or reverse grips? Nope, not even 1, But I did do a decent 5 chin ups, soon followed by another five, then followed with one more for good luck (all within the span of a minute or two). To me, That Is A Success… Oh, and one more thing-they weren’t pretty. And I am sure Tony (my video instructor) would have been yelling at me to at least straighten my arms once. Sorry Tony…ain’t gonna happen. Not yet at least.
Now, for my power drink…I have my own version (not the recovery drink Tony preaches about). I mix Whey powder with frozen fruit and add a little Soy milk or Rice milk…blend until smooth and thick. YUMMY! Try it…

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