Thursday, December 27, 2012

P90X - Oh What A Beautiful Morning. Oh What A Beautiful Day...

P90X – Oh What A beautiful Morning, Oh What A Beautiful Day…
Day 29 of my P90X journey had me doing X-Stretch. It seems weird for me to be doing the X-Stretch in the middle of the week. This was usually my Sunday routine. On Sundays I have the option to do the X-Stretch class or rest. I think for the full 90 days of this exercise I will opt to Not rest on Sundays. Still, doing X-Stretch in the middle of the week was weird.
So, here I was, reaching up and twisting, like I was instructed to. For the most part, every one of the maneuvers satisfied me and my muscles. The Plough was a little challenging for me but for the most part, all was well and successfully executed.

I do find it very interesting that when I am doing most of the P90X classes, time just seems to fly by, in ten minute intervals. Fifty-eight minutes soon turn into forty-five. Forty-five morphs into thirty-one and the next thing I know, it is cool down time. After my routine today I headed to the gym and completed my 3 mile run. Why do I run 3 miles when it isn’t part of the P90X curriculum? Good question. My answer is, “Why not?” Now, I did say most! There are a few P90X DVD’s where the clock can’t run fast enough for me. Doing Pull Ups and Push Ups for an hour does not make my socks go up and down.
Funny story…I went to a doctor’s appointment on Monday. All is well, thanks for asking…When the nurse asked me to step up onto the scale, I asked her what my weight was.  Her answer was 8 pounds lower than I thought I was. When she left the room Kerry jumped up onto the scale to see what her weight was. Her weight was also much lower than expected (keep in mind that she too lost a lot of weight due to our healthier eating habits and exercise routines). We both walked a little taller that day, humming tunes like “Oh what a beautiful Morning. Oh what a beautiful day.” That is until we got home and compared our weight to our own scale. We found those extra pounds we thought we lost. It is all good – we are both trending down at a healthy pace and will continue to do so until our targets are met. (Kerry just informed me that she has reached her target weight…for now).
                                                                       I Wish

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