Sunday, December 30, 2012

P90X - Wiggle Room...

P90X – Wiggle Room…
A quick update…I am lucky to me married to a nurse!
No more pain meds, except for a little Tylenol. My hand is bandaged up tightly with a little wiggle room for my finger tips. For the most part, there is no real discomfort, as long as I don’t move my fingers, especially the injured one. Doctor’s orders – move your fingers, especially the injured one…Ouch. Because the tendon was injured, I guess he doesn’t want it locking up on me.
As far as P90X goes, it will be a few more days before I get back into my routine. When I do start working out again, I will start at the beginning of Phase 2. I’m looking forward to that day, although until the stitches are removed, there will be no chin ups, push ups or right handed weight lifting.
In 2 weeks I will see the surgeon to have the sutures removed. Between now and then, my job is to relax, and let Kerry do most of the work around the house. For those of you who know me, you know that I am not the best at sitting back and allowing someone else do all of the work.
This morning I woke up and headed to the kitchen. Like every Sunday morning, today I was going to make some bacon for Kerry and her mom. As I held the scissors, trying to figure out how to use them with my injured hand, Kerry came in, saw me standing there, and took the scissors away from me, kicking me out of the kitchen at the same time. I obeyed.
So, for now it will be Redbox videos and chair-side service for this wounded P90X advocate. Once I start back at my exercise rotuine I will, of course, take it slow at the beginning. Like Tony (my P90X instructor) says, “Do what you can and do it well. Now, Bring it.”
I will stop rambling now and will keep you updated on my healing process.


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