Wednesday, December 19, 2012

P90X - Lazy Days...

P90X – Lazy Days…
Day 21 brings certain comfort zones to me and my exercise routine…some of which I can do without: For example, stopping for no other reason other than because I can. This Wednesday is a lazy day and I just don’t feel like doing a heavy workout. Being a Shoulders and Arms day, I am glad that I don’t have my heavier weights yet. I will settle for doing the curls and presses with the bands. I am still working up a sweat and yes, I can still feel the burn, but I am just not getting as intense with it as I should.
I am noticing that the numbers (reps) I am doing now on certain Shoulder and Arm maneuvers has definitely increased. My first week of P90X had me pausing so many times during each and every DVD, but now I only pause for necessity (phone rings, Kerry calls me, feeling lazy, etc).
Why am I being so lazy today? Simple…we are planning for our spring vacation and up until late last night Kerry and I were looking at various destination options. Finally, today, Kerry found the perfect trip for us and after confirming that her sister Christina can make it up to Tucson to take over the elder-care, Kerry asked me to help her with the final booking. Done; vacation planned!
So, getting back into my Shoulder and Arms routine, especially after allowing my core to cool down, was hard for me. With each exercise my thoughts raced around the various places we will be seeing, foods we will taste and cultures we will be enveloped in. Maybe it wasn’t that I was lazy. Preoccupied might be a better word. Yes, I was preoccupied today. That sounds a lot better than saying I was lazy today. But then again, I am retired so if I want to have a lazy day, I am entitled to one. Right?
After the Shoulder and Arm routine, while my body was still warm and sweaty, I dove right into the Ab Ripper X sequence. Day by day I am getting a little stronger and am able to do a little more. Still, I cannot lift my body up and do sit ups the way they do on the DVD, but that’s okay. I just do my own version, which to me puts plenty of tension and torque on my Ab’s. After all, isn’t that the goal?
Here are pitures that show the true meaning of the word LAZY;

And my Favorite...

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