Wednesday, December 5, 2012

P90X - Crack, Snap and Pop

P90X- Day 7
Shoulders and Arms is the target workout for Wednesdays. Also, this is the day that I do the Ab Ripper X (16 minutes of pure torture).  I am aching just thinking about it.
I started out doing the Shoulders and Arms routine. It was going to be a 59 minute program, but that’s okay. I am getting accustomed to the almost full hour of bending, pushing, leaping and cracking. Yes, cracking. That was the one thing I noticed today more than any other day---crack, snap and pop. My back does feel better though.
The exercises they wanted me to do were for the most part manageable. I was able to keep up and only had to pause once to change my bands from light to heavy. Since I don’t have a set of weights, I used the alternate method of obtaining resistance…Bands. The bands allowed me to complete all of the exercises with the proper amount of resistance – and I did feel the burn. I actually surprised myself when it came to the chair lift exercise (you hold onto the front part of the chair seat while your body extends out in front of the chair. With your arms slightly behind you, you lift yourself up and down for the duration (hold one leg off of the ground for more intensity). I kept both feet firmly planted.
After the session Kerry and I went out for lunch. My intention was to eat a light salad (just to make sure I was being a good boy). Yeah, right – who goes out and pays real money for a plate full of lettuce? We ended up at Saffron, a great East Indian restaurant and we dove into their buffet. AMAZING – Oppp’s, too many calories. I still had to work on my Ab Ripper X session and the large lunch wasn’t going to help. We really didn’t eat that much but I knew I did go a little over as far as the calories went. But It Tasted So Good!
Once back at home, I decided to wait an hour or two before doing the Ab Ripper X program. If you remember from my last two attempts, I still have not completed the 16 minute program…too difficult for someone in my condition (OLD). Well, today I completed the 16 minute program for the first time. I was determined to do it and I did. Now, don’t get me wrong. When they were doing 25 reps I was probably doing 15 (or 10). When their legs were lifted up off of the ground to a 90 degree angle from their body, my limbs were barely clearing the floor. But I experienced the burn…and I liked it. The next Ab Ripper X session will be on Friday…BRING IT!
Oh, one more note of interest. I asked Kerry to take a few digital pics of me today, showing off the “Before” physical condition of me. A picture is worth a thousand words, right? Well, she took a side view of me facing left, then me facing right. I had to laugh when doing the front view; I noticed that she wanted to turn the camera onto its side. What, am I that wide? Maybe I will get her a camera for Christmas (one with Wide Angle capabilities)…LOL  And “NO”, you will never get to see those pics…sorry.

                        Nothing sexier than a man with a 200 inch chest and a 26 inch waist.

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