Monday, December 17, 2012

P90X - Pleanty of Time to Grow...

P90X – Plenty of Time to Grow…
Day 19 (Monday) was focused on Chest and Back with a side of Ab Ripper X. In other words…Pushups and Pull ups followed by sit ups and crunches. Yupp, if I wasn’t on the floor trembling I was trembling while hanging from my Chin Up Bar. The session was broken down into two sections. The first section was the basic routine with goals set for how many we thought we could do. I had my numbers. I pushed the limit and blew away my previous numbers…Yahoo
As far as the Ab Ripper X goes, I think by diving right into it after the main workout, while the muscles are still heated up, seems to work best, for me. This is the second time I have done this; so far so good. I will continue to experiment to see what my body (and mind) prefer.
The second half of the Chest and Back DVD was the same as the first half, except the sequence was reversed and we were challenged to exceed our earlier goals. I could feel the burn.
Here is what I noticed about my goals and the struggle I have to obtain them.  First of all, I am doing far more pushups this week compared to previous weeks. I do as Tony suggested and avoid focusing on quantity versus quality. It is better to do 10 perfect well-formed pushups, compared to doing 20 sloppy ones. During the second half of today’s workout, I did exceed the first half numbers, but my form may not have been spot on. I will have to work on that. Tomorrow will by my Day 20, meaning I have 70 more days to travel along this path-plenty of time to grow in strength, endurance and form. 
Some of you may be wondering if I am actually going to Blog each and every day about my journey. I wasn’t even planning on Blogging at all. I was trying to accomplish a deeply personal thing, one that I thought I should keep to myself. But, I was wrong. I did need to share my journey with my youngest son Nicholas (he is doing his own P90X program right beside me, in spirit that is-he lives in Alabama). I thought by Blogging, I would be able to share with him my daily struggles and victories. Being a writer I found that the Blogging thing just took off and grew into this daily diary, open for the entire world to see.
When I was Blogging about my Father-In-Law, Red Campbell, telling the story of his journey through the last remaining months of his life, my Blog grew into a daily posting, read by over 1500 followers. People were interested. So far, this Blog about my P90X adventure has reached that level and continues to grow. Please help me get this story out, so others who think they can’t do what I am doing will see that there is a light at the end of that long and dark tunnel.
So, will I continue to Blog each and every day? For now, I say yes. 
P.S.   For any of you who have not read the Blog about Red Campbell, you can do so from right here. Look to the right of this page for the listings by month (it is located above the About Me listing). Click on March and the ten postings for that month will appear. Then click on the title Living With the Aged. That was the first posting of many. Just work your way up from the bottom towards the top, then do April, and May and so on until you reach the end in August. Enjoy the story.
                          Did you say, "Now do 25 Pull Ups?"

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