Saturday, December 22, 2012

P90X - Almost Done With Phase One...

P90X – Almost Done with Phase One…
Yes, you heard me right…I am almost done with Phase One. Next week will be my last in this phase, before heading into my second month (Phase 2) of P90X. Here is a snap shot of what I have been up to for the past 3 weeks.

Mondays....Chest & Back followed by Ab Ripper X   
Tuesdays...Plyometrics followed by my 3 mile run at the gym                                                  
Wednesdays...Shoulder & Arms followed by Ab Ripper X                                                   
Thursdays...Yoga X followed by my 3 mile run at the gym                                             
Fridays....Legs & Back followed by Ab Ripper X                                                       
Saturdays....Kenpo X followed by my 3 mile run at the gym                                            
For the last week of Phase One, things get switched around a little.  I will be doing Yoga on Monday and Saturday, Core Synergistics on Tuesday and Friday, Kenpo X on Wednesday and X-Stretch on Thursday and Sunday. I will also be adding my 3 mile run on every day except Sunday.
You may have noticed that when I describe the run I do so as “my 3 mile run.” I do that because the running is not a part of the P90X program. It is something I started doing a couple of years ago and I just don’t want to give it up. After all, the whole thing about P90X is the X…EXTREME.  The only way to get it is to push it and nothing pushes better after a hard hour or hour and a half workout then picking yourself up off of the floor and doing a 3 mile jog.
After next week’s exhausting schedule, I will enter in to Phase Two (my 2nd month). For the first three weeks of Phase Two, the daily routines will be almost the same as in Phase one (listed above), but with some modifications and higher intensity. I will go into more detail as that time nears.
So, as far as today goes (Day 24), I did my Kenpo X and run and now that hot tub is calling my name. It's time to soak, and bask, and ache, and smile.

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