Friday, December 7, 2012

P90X - 1 Is The New 5

                                                   Now, that's Extreme

P90X – Day Nine
It was kind of hard to get motivated today. Is it the barometric pressure outside changing or is it the aches and pains from my previous week’s workout? Who Knows…Who Cares…?   BRING IT.
So I started the DVD today and once it began to play I recognized it from last week. Today’s routine is Legs and Back which includes a few martial arts moves (various kicks). Those were easy. It seemed that there was a lot of pull up (chin up) time today as well. After the first couple of exercises I started to feel like I really didn’t want to be doing this. The clock started at 48 minutes, and when compared to yesterday’s 1 ½ hour session, today should have been a breeze.  I continued on.
Then I heard a noise outside. It was a truck. It gave me a great excuse to push the pause button and investigate. When I opened the front door, I saw a box, sitting quietly, calling my name. Could it be I pondered?
If you remember last week in one of my earlier posts I mentioned that I had ordered a chin up bar and I was expecting it to arrive within a week.  When I opened the box I experienced a mixture of emotions. First seeing the “Extreme Iron Gym” box facing me was exciting. No longer will I use those girly girl bands while the folks on the screen are doing various chin up sequences. My other emotion was almost dread, because I now had no excuse. I had to do chin ups.
My Legs and Back session was still waiting for me, on pause, not even 20 minutes into the DVD. I took full advantage of my REST time and assembled my new Pull Up bar. It took me almost 15 minutes to complete the assembly, but the time was well spent. I now had it securely mounted on the door frame to my exercise room and was ready to push the play button. Water bottle full…check. Extreme Iron Gym bar in place…check. My eagerness to continue and finish off today’s routine…check. As soon as I pushed the play button, Tony (my video instructor) called for a reverse grip chin up sequence. Yahoo here we go.
As the folks on the TV screen positioned themselves, while bragging about how many they planned on doing (one said 15, the other said 20, and of course Tony went for 21) I came up with a number that seemed to work for me. I pondered the number 5 and so 5 it was. That was going to be my first series of pull ups, 5 was to be my maiden voyage magic number. As they started grunting on the TV I launched myself up and as I slowly reached my target with my chin next to the bar I realized one thing. It came to me loud and clear. One was the new Five!
As I finished the rest of the day’s program, I did get better at lifting myself up off of the ground, not always reaching that bar. Yes, I even touched my feet on the ground just to give me a little extra launch momentum.  I definitely have room to improve and am looking forward to seeing how far I can go (or grow) in 90 short days.
My plan is to keep the bar in place and every time I walk by it, I will grab on and do one for Tony (or maybe two).  I am going to pass on the Ab Ripper X for today.
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