Tuesday, December 18, 2012

P90X - 20 Down, 70 To Go...

 P90X –20 Down, 70 To Go...

A milestone was reached today. Today was my 20th day of surviving P90X. That’s right, 20 down, 70 to go. Someday, not so far in the future I will be posting 70 down and 20 to go, but before that day I have some serious work to do.
Being a Tuesday, my P90X routine schedule has me doing Plyometrics followed by a 3 mile run at the gym. Instead of going directly to the gym after doing my hour of Plyometrics, I made some lunch for Kerry’s mom. I also made a little whey protein drink for my lunch before heading out. The last time I ran right after doing the Plyometrics program, my legs screamed at me. They were letting me know that they were not happy. But I finished my run anyways. Nick suggested I let the muscles rest a bit before doing my run and so today I did just that. My legs were strong; I could have run for hours.
Now that the Christmas season is upon us, there are some things we have to make sure we get done without waiting for the 11th hours.
Making my list and checking it twice;
·         Put up the tree and outside lights along with a few other  in-house decorations…..check
·         Have a tree decorating gathering to make short work of it…..check
·         Purchase all of the gifts for our out-of-town loved ones…..check
·         Bring all of the out-of-town gifts that need posting to the Post Office and stand in line…..check
·         Pick up the gift(s) for Kerry, wrap them & place under the tree without her noticing…..check
·         Work daily with a dedicated devotion on my P90X, running and eating habits…mostly check
·         Bake traditional holiday goodies and eat some and give the rest away…..check
·         Snoop around under the tree to see what else has been put there….Really, I wouldn’t do that  : )~
Well, looks like I have all of my little duckies (or froggies) in order for the upcoming holidays. BRING IT!
                                                Catch Some Air
                                     Perfect Plyometrics

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