Thursday, December 13, 2012

P90X - Misery Loves Company...

P90X – Misery Loves Company…
Today was a special one for me. Today is the day we bake bread called Norwegian Julekage (from my mother-in-laws side of the family). Every year around Christmas time there are traditional foods that we bake as part of the seasonal festivities. Today’s treat is Julekage (pronounced yul-a-cag-a).  Most Americans would simply call it fruit cake…and it is, but a thousand times better.
Why am I writing about this? Because when this time of year comes around (starting with Thanksgiving), any notion of food or portion control easily flies out of the window. I will keep up the fight and I will be sure to let you know how it goes (am I a winner or a wiener).  If you have been following my previous Blog postings, you know that I will not sway from the truth, no matter how awkward it may be.
The other thing that made today special was my P90X routine. Being Thursday, it was all about Yoga X. Yupp, 1 ½ hours of bending, twisting and stretching like crazy. But today was better for one reason; Kerry (my perfect wife) decided to join me. Together we followed the on screen instructions, as best we could. I was surprised at how flexible she is. She could actually do the Plough while keeping her legs straight.  What I was doing looked more like a shovel.  I was glad for the company. Yes, misery loves company.
I also realized that the Yoga X program is all about conditioning ones core and energy, from the inside out. If you don’t allow your mind to free itself from the burdens of those constant invasions of thought, we lose focus, thus we lose control and have a less efficient workout. My mind wanders, constantly. Another muscle I need to work on I guess.
After the workout was finished, Kerry and I prepared the first stage of Julekage baking. Then it was off to the gym for me. I had a 3 miles run to do and nothing was going to get in the way. I was really looking forward to it. Set the pace, watch a little news and sweat up a storm. Mission accomplished, but it was a challenge today. As I was huffing and puffing along, I was feeling tired and suddenly I was thinking about doing a shorter run or maybe stopping all together. I was really tired. My hair was soaked with sweat and as I cleared the beads of sweat from my eyes I looked down to see how long I had been going. I expected the timer to read 10 – 15 minutes. I laughed at myself when I saw that I hadn’t even completed 5 minutes yet. That gave me the push I needed and without looking down, keeping eyes focused on the TV screen ahead of me, I completed my run and lifted my arms high as I crossed the imaginary finish line.
Yes indeed. Today was a special one for me.
                                                                      Be At Peace

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