Wednesday, December 12, 2012

P90X - Feel the Burn? Yupp...

P90X –Feel the Burn? Yupp...
Today was my 14th day of doing P90X. The routine was Shoulder and Arms. This 60 minute workout taught me that in time, these exercises do get easier…no, that’s the wrong word. It is not really easier, but more tolerable.
I found myself still pushing the limits of what my body can (or wanted) to do. As some of the weight lifting exercises came up I found myself trying to push the limit without enough weight to press (or should I say curl?) I have a feeling there might be something HEAVY beneath the tree for me from Santa.  Until then I will continue to use my various rubber bands. Did I feel the burn? Yupp, often.
Another interesting thing I noticed today was that the length of the program seems to be less of an issue for me. I can look at the timer and see that there is 48 minutes left, then after a couple of exercised the clock magically shows 34 minutes. The first 10 minutes seem to be the longest, but once we get rocking and rolling, time simply flies by…Am I becoming addicted to this thing?
Once I was finished the cool down in today’s Shoulder and Arms, I was feeling pretty charged. I decided to go right into the Ab Ripper X DVD.  I find it impossible to do some of the exercises – I just can’t balance on my butt while holding up my legs and arms at the same time. I am extremely curious about where I will be in 2 ½ months from now.  
So, in summary, I can see some changes in my posture. My weight has gone down (slightly), my muscles are firming up and when I sleep at night, I do so soundly. As far as eating goes, I still have my challenges.  I am a lot better now compared to before but those occasional moments of weakness still surface.  For example, when I look at what I want to eat for dinner, salads are moving to the top of my wish list. This too I will master in time.
After my first month of P90X (just 2 short weeks from now) I will give you my first update on weight loss to date (if any) and over all measurement changes. Are you looking forward to it? I am.
                                          Feel The Burn

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