Monday, December 10, 2012

P90X - Bring It...

P90X – Bring It
So, being my 12th day of P90x and being a Monday, I was pleased to see that this was going to be one of those impossible days where I knew that I would never be able to bend and lift like the pros; but my range of motion has improved and that is a good sign. I am starting to enjoy the challenge of doing the impossible.
As you know, on Mondays my scheduled routine is Back and Chest. What does that mean? Push Ups and Pull Ups…first do a series of push ups; then up onto the chin up bar you go. Then it is back to the floor for another style of push up followed again by chin ups. This goes on for almost an hour. The variation of styles are numerous, for both push and pull ups.
There is one push up style called the Heart to Heart. Take your left hand thumb and touch your right hand thumb with it. Do the same with your index fingers, both of them touching. This forms a heart shape (sort of).  Now, in the push up position with hands touching each other, you are expected to lower your torso (do a push up) and continue going down until your heart touches the heart shape of your hands.  I can say with pride I did more push ups today compared to any other P90X day.
The interesting thing about today’s Back and Chest was they (the P90X folks) broke the session down into to two halves. After the first half was done, the second half began – same as the first but in reverse order and with more intensity.
I still get a kick when they are going onto the chin up bar, bragging about their goal. My goal was to be able to do any number as long as it is more than 1. I achieved my goal. I actually noticed that I am able to pull myself up easier now compared to just a few days ago. I keep the Extreme Gym bar in place during the day and early evening. Kerry and I have an agreement that each time we walk by the chin up bar, we are obligated to do 1 chin up (or anything that resembles a chin up). I am so proud of Kerry.  She is actually grabbing onto that bar and working it.  YOU GO GIRL  . . .
After the program was over for today, I went into the office and spent some time catching up on waiting paperwork. Done!  Now it is time to finish my P90X obligation. Remember, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays are the day that I do the added program Ab Ripper X. Looking back just a week or so ago, when I couldn’t finish the entire 16 minute routine, I laugh now because I have no problem going the entire 16 minutes. But, like I said before, looking at my style isn’t pretty. I just can’t bend and crunch like the pros (yet)!
Time to make a protein drink and have a little soak in the hot tub. Now that’s rewarding.
                                      ...Me Working On My Chest...

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