Saturday, January 19, 2013

P90X - Why Me...

P90X – Why Me…
So, you would think that I would occasionally come across some obstacles during my P90X journey. A few weeks ago I injured my hand with a cactus needle. A quick surgery solved that problem (even with hand bandaged up I still did what I could to stay on track). I did miss s few days immediately post-op.
On Thursday, Kerry drove to Las Vegas to cheer on our granddaughter (Daisy) while she was doing gymnastics competition. She placed 2nd over all. Daisy rocks.
Last night, after Kerry’s mom was put to bed I started feeling pressure build up in my sinuses. Not only did I have a head ache, I was feeling the chills as well. Without Kerry here to care for her mom I ended up wearing a surgical mask and gloves when taking care of her needs. Better safe then sorry.
I finished yesterdays P90X routine including the Ad Ripper X around 4pm. Read yesterdays blog for details. Today’s schedule has me doing Kenpo and as usual, I always follow that up with a 3 mile run. I put in the Kenpo DVD and was able to do a series of punches and a few kicks. I never did get to the blocks. If I am feeling better tomorrow I will go back and finish the Kenpo.
As far as the run goes…No Way. All I want to do is sit in my big cozy chair and wrap myself up in a blanket. Kerry got home from Vegas at 3:30pm, I feel better now that I don’t have to worry about Kerry’s mom.
Ugg, Why Me.

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