Thursday, February 28, 2013

P90X - Makes For A Long Day...

P90X – Makes For A Long Day...

Can you believe it? This is my 81st day of P90X. That means I am in the single digits as far as "Days Left" go; that's 9 to be exact.

Being my Yoga day I did my best to get an early start, just to prevent my exercising from taking over my entire day. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't get going with the 1 1/2 hour Yoga class until almost 9:00 am. That meant I would be finished that portion of my routines by 10:30. I stayed with the Yoga class through the entire program. It was exhausting but I kept up, as best I could and modified where needed (Crane).

Then it was off to do some yard work (remove an over grown (and fallen over) cactus from the side of the house and to destroy the Pack Rats nest that was built within the fallen and dying limbs.

As I cut away and pitch forked the cactus pieces into the trash bin, each time I stabbed a large and heavy limb I thought of the last time I tried to do this...remember? I ended up in surgery having a 4 inch thorn removed from my finger. You can be assured that with each stab, I took careful aim (and I wore gloves as well). You see, you can teach an old dog new tricks. I won't go into the gory (and comical) details about the Pack Rats who were at home during my demolition and the fight we had. (It was 4 against one...and I won, sort of).

After doing the yard work it was time to make lunch for Kerry's mom. By noon, she was fed, chores were completed and laundry folded and put away (yes, I am domesticated-aren't you?)

It is now 12:44 pm and I just got back from the gym. Today's 3 mile run took a lot out of me, but like everything else I do, I pushed on and crossed that imaginary finish line.

 Doing double routines, chores, and managing all of my other responsibilities makes for a long day. But since Kerry is away and I am alone with a dog and a mother-in-law, I would rather have each day pass as an hour; each hour pass as a minute; and minutes as seconds. Then I could say, "Soon, she will be home." 

They were Mean - But I Was Meaner

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

P90X - It's A Long List...

P90X – It's A Long List...

This is the Wednesday of my 3rd week of Phase Three and it is a special day. No, not because today's routine was Shoulders and Arms. No, not because I am more fit now than I have been in a long long time. And no, not because it is my second day home alone without my lady; my good half; my better half. Although all of these are true, this day is special because it is my day 80...Only 10 more days until this pilgrimage reaches its long anticipated conclusion. That makes me smile.

I did push the envelope today with the curls. My 15 lb weights no longer seem heavy to me. When I start doing long term maintenance at the gym I will definitely be upping the weight to 25's or maybe even 30's. The P90X instructor (Tony) uses 45's as his favorite...I have NO interest in ever wanting to curl 45's. After all, for me it is all about being lean and firm not buffed out like a gorilla.

As usual I followed today's routine with the Ab Ripper X program. I actually sweat more doing Ab Ripper X for 16 minutes then I did during the 58 minutes of Shoulders and Arms routine. But, I do feel more burn from the Shoulder and Arms.

I think this will  be a good time for me to go sit in the hot tub, think about my wife and contemplate on all that I am thankful for. It's a long list.

Ah, She Loves Me

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

P90X - It Ain't As Easy As It Sounds...

P90X – It Ain't As Easy As It Sounds...

Today was day 79 of my 90 day P90X adventure. Being a Tuesday of week three of Phase Three, Plyometrics was my challenge today. Sure, I did hit the pause button a couple of times but that didn't stop me from doing every exercise with all the intensity I could muster. I was soaking by the time I was done, sweating with the same volume as when I run. Speaking of run, I did head to the gym after feeding Kerry's mom and was able to knock out an easy 3 mile jog in just over 35 minutes. My goal is a 10 minute mile...Almost there...More sweat...

My challenge today was the Circle Run routine. Just can't seem to get my two feet to work together. And as far as doing it quickly goes, you're dreaming. But, I do run the circles slowly and who knows, maybe one day in the near future I will actually be able to run the circles at P90X speed. For those of you who don't know what I am talking about, it is an exercise where you place a towel of some other object on the floor, giving you a parameter to run around. Then, starting clockwise, you move your feet in circles around the object on the floor, slower at first, then increase the speed as you go. The objective is to run quickly around the towel while your head and shoulders DO NOT move. All the action is from your hips down. After 30 seconds, you switch directions. Try it. It Ain't As Easy As It Sounds. 

Check out this lady, who actually can do the Circle Run (Sort of). It looks like she stops to change direction just before her feet get all tangled up... Girl Attempting Circle Run

Today was also the day that Kerry headed south to visit her sister Tina, who is living in Mexico. She will be gone for 1 week...1 very long week...  But, no worries, I have plenty of things around here to do to keep my mind off of the echo that was once my brides presence.

I also picked up my new laptop today and started trying to figure it out. The O.S. is Windows 8, a format that is totally foreign to me. After spending an hour or so clicking here and searching there, I think I am getting the hang of it. Seems like Windows 8 is more in line for the touch screen technology and using a mouse can be a little weird, but I am getting the hang of it and in a short time I should have it mastered. 

Plyometrics / Jump Training
Catch Some Air

Monday, February 25, 2013

P90X - Works For Me...

P90X – Works For Me...

Is it just me or do these exercises seem to be getting easier? Hmmm

Today was focused on Chest and Back, which could only mean two things; pushups and pull-ups. This P90X program is designed to build up those muscles that support the arms (and all of the activity/work they do) as well as the head and neck, two places where stress and tension can take their toll.

The process is simple, take 25 minutes to do 12 separate exercises then repeat with a little more intensity. It's the adding more intensity during the second round that challenges me...arms are totally tired out by then, so every pushup or pull-up takes double the effort-at least for me anyways.

The pull-ups are still the one area I will continue to work on. Compared to when I first started this 90 day journey my pull-ups are stellar (not beautiful). By the time the on-screen instructor and his class are done their 20-30 reps on the pull up bar, I have already completed my 5-10 very ugly, bent elbow, body shaking chin-up-to-the-bar pull-ups. Works for me! By the end of the class I am lucky to be able to punch out 3-5 pull-ups...My arms are all rubbery. As far as the pushups go-no problem. I am now slamming out between 20-25 on normal and military style and 10-15 on more difficult styles.

Being a Monday (and my 78th day of 90), I got to partake in a little Ab Ripper X after the main class was completed. I am beginning to feel more at home with sit-ups and Ab crunches. Even though I do my sit-ups like my pull-ups (ugly and funny to look at), I am still doing it and yes, I can feel the burn as I crunch out each sit-up, one at a time. Now I am able to do 15 compared to 2 1/2 months ago when 1 was a challenge. I will continue to work on endurance and try to get that number up to 30-50. That may take a few more months...and I have nothing but time.

Now that's X-treme - AMEN

Sunday, February 24, 2013

P90x - I Can't Wait...

P90X –I Can't Wait...

For awhile there I thought I wouldn't get around to doing my P890X for today. 

 Of course this morning started with a big breakfast followed by getting ready for church. Once at church Kerry and I relaxed sharing the moment with our New Life friends (our church family). Hugs and greetings were exchanged before and after Greg's amazing sermon. Then it was back home to make sure Kerry's mom was okay and to get going on the various projects we had slated for today.

Kerry and I finally finished our chores around 3:00pm and I still had my P90X to do. Would I have the energy (or drive) to go for it and spend the next hour fulfilling by wellness obligation? For those of you who know me, you know the answer was yes. And I did. And it was good.

Being my 77th day of this 90 day journey, and a Sunday, I would spend 58 minutes following along with Stretch X routine. I stayed with it all the way, without break or pause. 

So, tomorrow is the start of my 3rd week of Phase Three. I can't wait. Well, maybe I can, a little!

I like Sundays!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

P90X - Take That...

P90X – Take That…
It is funny watching myself (or my reflection I should say) when doing my backward kicks. Side and front kicks are what they are but my back ones crack me up. When I start the cycle, they are high (groin height) and deadly. As they increase in number they drop from groin hits to shin hits. I guess that would be enough to slow down an oncoming foe. As time passes and the hour winds down, my fatigued legs present more of a threat to the ankle of a rear attaching enemy. Take that!
All in all, I must say that my form has improved a thousand percent over the last 2 ½ months. I am now on day 76 of this 90 day journey and to be honest, I am looking forward to the day when I can sit back, recall the adventure and say, “Good Job!” Soon…the dream morphs into reality.
After my Kenpo workout today I drank my 8 oz Whey protein drink and prepared myself for a brief 3 mile run; my last run for the week; a glorious day for me indeed.
This will also be my last posting from this laptop. Our church is sending a team of missionaries to West Africa to bring the Word to Senegal. I was part of the initial team, blazing a way for future visits. Next month will be our 3rd trip. When we went during the initial trip we brought suit cases full of stuff to donate to villages and missionaries living there. Bandages, vitamins, educational and health supplies, not to mention clothing were all a part of the care package we delivered.
In the school we helped to build the needs continue to grow and between us and other partner churches, these needs are met, almost. This year the need is for computers (laptops). I had an old Alvertec sitting in the cupboard, suffering from old and worn out hinges…it is on its way to Africa. Also, the HP I have been using for the past several years has slowed down and although it still works well, I feel it is time to upgrade to a newer more sophisticated laptop…it has been ordered and will arrive next week. My HP will join my Alvertec and help those who can really use the help.
If you or someone you know has a laptop and are are interested in making a donation to a school in Senegal, please contact New Life Bible Fellowship, Tucson, AZ. If your donation doesn’t make it on this upcoming trip, worry not…we will be returning to Senegal, in the near future.  
You can reach New Life for more details at;
Pastor Greg and me, taking a break while
helping to build a school in Senegal

Friday, February 22, 2013

P90X - How Quickly I Feel The Burn...

P90X – How Quickly I Feel The Burn…
My 75th day of P90X means only one thing…I have 15 more days to go before finishing my journey, crossing the finish line, doing the victory dance, and of course, measuring my physical changes from before I began this odyssey.
Today, my P90X Classic chart had me doing Legs and Back, followed by a little Ab Ripper X. Kerry joined me for the Ab Ripper X portion, and as usual, she out did me in many components (and I did outshine her in a few as well).
With all of the running I do (3 mile runs 4 or more times per week), I have pretty strong legs. Yet, with all of the solid muscle I have in my legs, it still surprises me at how quickly I feel the burn when doing extended leg exercises. A couple of times today I ended up standing up early when there were still a few seconds left in the posture hold.
Ab Ripper X was a nice way to finish off today’s workout.
As Kerry prepares for her visit with her sister Tina in Mexico I prepare myself for a week of living as the solo caregiver for her mom…with only 15 days left before I finish my P90X obligation, I look forward to doing my last day, two days after Kerry returns. So, while she is away, I will be here, alone, doing my thing, working on my routines like there is no tomorrow. This is my time to push it, to bring it, and to tell you all about it.
Lunge and Hold

Thursday, February 21, 2013

P90X - Everything Happens In 3's...

P90X – Everything Happens In 3’s…
Day 74 of my 90 day odyssey was strange, if one word could describe it. Strange indeed!
Starting my Yoga routine at 8:30ish, I didn’t get through my 1 ½ hour workout until 11:00am. Why did it take so long? Stuff happens that changes ones focus, obligations and goals.
Just as I began my routine Kerry called me into the kitchen. The coffee machine was not working. I fiddled with it, looked up trouble shooting on the Kuerig website and assumed the problem was a mineral build up. Out came the vinegar and the de-scaling began. As I worked out, every 5 minutes I returned to the kitchen to start another cup of hot vinegar through the coffee machine. The problem was, it wasn’t drawing in enough liquid and on the discharge end, it was only dripping ever so slowly. It took several attempts before the reservoir was emptied enough to draw in the vinegar. I spent a lot of time going back and forth from my home gym to the kitchen, pausing the DVD every time.
Finally, I figured out the coffee machine and got it running like new. The nozzle was clogged and had to be augured. I went ahead and completed the de-scaling anyways. Also, during all of the coffee confusion, Kerry told me that the heater in her mother’s living room wasn’t coming on. Everything was working but just no heat coming out. That was an easy fix. The coils outside have a self cleaning mode and this just happened to be the time it wanted to run that process.
Normally, everything happens in 3’s, so I cautiously wait for the 3rd and final challenge for the day.
At 11:00am I finally finished my Yoga routine, all distractions now behind me. I headed to the gym to push through a quick 3 mile run. Then it was off to Costco with Kerry to pick up a few must-haves.
Glad today is done (more snow on the way). Now, all I have to do is wait for American Idol, wrap up warmly with my bride and together, we will enjoy the remainder of the day.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

P90X - My Perfect Wife...

P90X – My Perfect Wife…
Day 73 brought many surprises, all of which were exciting and worthy of note.
My day started with Kerry heading off for her almost-daily 6 mile trek through Sabino Canyon. While she was gone I thought that this would be a good time to start my P90X routine for today, the Wednesday of my second week of Phase Three.
Back and Biceps was my goal for today followed by my now-favorite 16 minute workout, Ab Ripper X. I remember when I first started doing the P90X journey, 2 ½ months ago. Trying to do the Ab Ripper X program just made me dizzy and I was lucky to get 5 minutes into the routine before having to quit. Now, I am there with them, every step of the way, doing my thing. Now that’s cool. As far as the Back and Biceps DVD went, it was a lot of curls and pull-ups. Again, I stayed with it and followed along, doing as they did or doing my own thing if a modification was called for…and it was. I finished feeling strong and ready to face the day, no matter what it had in store for me.
When Kerry and I were about to head out for some lunch, she called out for me to look out the window. Huge snowflakes were falling…it got heavier and heavier, reminding me of my childhood in Montreal, where winter weather lasts for 5 months. I was astonished and amazed. It was a blizzard right there in front of me, in February, in Tucson. What a blessing this day was, for all the right reasons; great workout, awesome weather, and an amazing lunch shared with my perfect wife.
Now this was a day filled with many surprises…and I liked it.

Talk About a Cool Down

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

P90X - Pay Caesar His Due...

P90X – Pay Caesar His Due…
Today was a great day and I’ll give you a hint to why I say that. P90X had something to do with it and so did Uncle Sam. Are you going nuts with curiosity yet? Okay, no more teasing. Here is my 72nd day of P90X summary.
Plyometrics was on the menu today. I actually kept up until they got to the Rock Star jumps. By then I was huffing like crazy, wanting to be anywhere else but there, sweating. So I did the only thing a normal sane man in my position would do; I hit the fast forward button and took the Rock Star routine out of the equation all together. I can hear you yelling, “Hey! That’s not fair.” My reply to you is, “You’re right.”
About 10 minutes later on, while doing some lateral frog moves or some other flying/jumping sort of exercise I just didn’t feel like I was getting the “whole 9 yards” so I reversed the DVD, found the jumping Rock Star part and joined in on the sequence until it was done. Then I pushed fast forward to where I left off and continued on working out, finishing off the remaining exercises.  Now that was cool. I remembered the promise I made to myself for the third and final phase…To Push It To The Limit…and today I did.
Instead of going right to the gym, like I usually do on my running days, I had to go with Kerry and meet our tax guy (a former Senator who now does taxes). In the Bible (Mark: 22, 21) it says, “Pay to Caesar what is Caesars…” I have no problem paying taxes, in fact, being born and raised in Canada, taxation is an important part of the way of life, and as long as the money is used to feed the poor and provide housing and urban renewal, I say, “Tax On Brother.” So why not do as Jesus did, pay Caesar his due? For me, tax time is a time of closure (closure of the previous year) and looking forward to what the New Year may bring.
After getting back from doing our taxes I headed to the gym and got my 3 mile run behind me. It was a beautiful thing.
I Can Fly

Monday, February 18, 2013

P90X - Forgetaboutit...

P90X – Forgetaboutit…
It was an interesting day indeed. Being my 71st day and a Monday and the second week of Phase Three, my routine would be Chest, Shoulders and Triceps followed with the usual Ab Ripper X.
I had a doctor’s appointment scheduled for today at 10:00 so I planned on starting my workout by 8:00. That would give me 1 ½ hours to finish both routines, and still have enough time left over for a quick shower before heading to the doctor’s office.
My appointment went well, and the doctor was impressed with my aggressive exercise schedule. 
While doing today’s routine I soon realized that the Chest, Shoulders and Triceps workout only appears 5 times during the entire P90X Classic program. Today was my 4th time doing it so that means I only get to do it one more time before ending my journey. I am kind of glad because all this program has you doing is pushup after pushup after pushup. And when you think you’re done, they bring on more pushups, just to see how far you can push the envelope.
Here is a little feedback about my progress. Obviously, all of the pushup styles are different. Some are military, others are arm switch or wide arm slides. The one that stands out for me today was the Clap or Plyo. This one you have all seen; one goes down and when they push up they do so hard and fast enough to get a little air time, long enough to clap your hands before going down for another one. Today (for my first time ever) I was able to clap on each pushup. I did 15 in total, without resting. Now here is the funny thing. When I was done I looked at the TV screen and saw how Tony was doing it. Picture this…he is in perfect plank position. He is on the tips of his toes and arms are straight with fingers spread wide. He slowly lowers himself until he can kiss the ground, then quickly he pushes himself up so hard and fast, his hands and feet catch air (and of course he claps). That's right...his entire body is in the air. It was amazing to watch. Do-able? For hims, sure; for me, “Forgetaboutit.”
Now that's a Pushup

Sunday, February 17, 2013

P90X - It Was A Pretty Good Idea...

P90X – It Was A Pretty Good Idea…
Day 70 of my 90 day P90X journey and I was blessed to have it land on a Sunday. That meant that today’s routine was going to be Stretch X; a routine Kerry and I both enjoy.
As I was getting set up for the workout, Kerry came up to me and said that it was really nice outside (approaching 78 degrees) and we should find an excuse to be outside instead of inside the house. My mind darted back and forth, wondering if she was hinting at me not doing my routine today and instead, working with her in the garden. Then she said, “You could always do your exercise outside.” I smiled. It was a pretty good idea.
I moved some furniture off of our back porch and layed out the yoga mats. Then I started the DVD in the living room, turned up the volume and pulled down the sun screens outside to reduce the TV glare. It worked. Within moments both of us were outside, in the fresh air, stretching like there was no tomorrow. It was a quick hour.
The only problem we had was with Rosie, our miniature poodle. Seeing us outside, in her world, and being low down on the yoga mats doing various stretching exercise, the urge to lick was overpowering for her. Needless to say, Kerry and I felt the love.
By the way, after the workout, we did some some yard work, completing a chore she had on her to-do list for some time now. What a great day.
It was a quick week…the first week of my Phase Three. Will the remainder of this third and final phase go as quickly? I’ll let you know.

So I'm A Licker...Sue Me

Saturday, February 16, 2013

P90X - That's A Good Thing...

P90X – That’s A Good Thing…
Saturday, the 69th day of my P90X odyssey, and I find myself amazed at how easy each program has become. At first, when I began this journey, the routines seemed so long, so boring, so un-doable. And don’t get me started on that 1 ½ hour Yoga thing…It was, for me, unbearable.
Now, just as the warm up is complete and the intensity picks up, I find myself entering the cool down portion of the program, wondering where the hour (or hour and a half) went. That’s a good thing!
Today was my day for Kenpo and yes, my 3 mile run. We had some out of town visitor’s visit, wanting to go to the Mineral and Gem show. Tomorrow is the last day and so their timing was perfect. Since I have been there so many times and not being really interested in purchasing anything new I volunteered to stay home and take care of Kerry’s mom while Kerry joined our friends. We did meet for breakfast and lunch so I did get some quality time visiting with them.
Kenpo was pretty good today. My kicks are higher and my blocks are on the mark. My punches can use a little work. I find it difficult to pivot my feet when punching in a lunge. Old habits are hard to break. When I was younger I had my own fighting style and to this day, those old forms are still with me. Now, when I say I had my own fighting style, please don’t think of me as a thug who went around beating up people. But I did study Korean Karate and when cornered with no other option, I was able to protect myself and those with me. In all my years, I only used physical force (for protection) a couple of times. I never had a fight, ever. I am thankful for that.
What, are you Chicken?

Friday, February 15, 2013

P90X - It WIll Be Done...

P90X – It Will Be Done…
I think I am getting the hang of this. I was able to complete today’s workout killing myself.
My 68th P90X day draws near to the end of my first week of Phase Three. There are five weeks in this phase compared to the four weeks in Phases One and Two. My 90th day of P90X will actually land on the first day of the 5th week so I will have an option of ending right there or finishing the week, making this a P96X journey. I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it. For now, it is still one day at a time.
The Legs and Back DVD was my focus today. For an hour I worked on exercises that are designed strengthen the legs and back; my legs are already in pretty good shape from my many 3 mile runs each week. But, my ham strings and all of my leg muscles seem to enjoy the attention, so I just went for it, without question, without worry, without hesitation. The Pull-ups did challenge me, but as you know, I love a challenge.
Kerry joined me for the second part of today’s workout; Ab Ripper X. Together we huffed and puffed and she even had some suggestions for me on how to improve my leg dexterity; tricks she learned from Physical Therapy. Good stuff.
The journey seems to be going faster and faster now, compared to the beginning when each day passed like flowing molasses. Soon, it will be done. My job will be done. I will be done.
 Legs Sore - Good

Thursday, February 14, 2013

P90X - Happy Valentine's Day Folks...

P90X – Happy Valentine’s Day Folks…
Today is a special one for obvious reasons. This is Valentine’s Day, a day of recognition and adoration.
Normally I would sit down and write all about my workout and how easy (or difficult) I found the routine. Kerry had other ideas on how we should spend the day, and I must say, I agree.
Her suggestion went something like this, “Happy Valentine’s Day Sweetie. I love you.” My reply, “I love you too Babe. Happy Valentine’s Day.” Her next statement, “Now, let’s not spend a lot of time on the computer today but instead let’s make the day about you and me.” My reply, “I agree…but, I still have to Blog about the workout I did earlier.” Her comeback, “Well, why not make it a quick one. Just say you worked out and leave it at that?” I answered, “Sounds good to me. Let’s go out for lunch.”
So, after buying lunch, and getting back home, our day was planned out like this;
-          I will cook a special seafood dinner for us tonight (Scallops, Butterfly Prawns, Crab Cakes and Blackened Salmon served on a bed of greens). A long time ago I was a Sous Chef.
-          We will spend some time dancing (she already picked out the music)
-          She purchased two DVD’s (both Christian) and we will spend some time enjoying them (one is a standup comedian and the other one is a movie about a marriage retreat).
-          We will of course watch American Idol.
-          I will leave the rest of the day to your imagination.
So, with that said, my posting is done for today…except for mentioning this;
-          I did 1½ hours of Yoga
-          I ran 3 miles
-          It is my 67th day of P90X
-     Chores done
That is all I have to say about that (for today that is).
Happy Valentine’s Day folks…enjoy each other.
Ahh - She loves me

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

P90X - My Arms Are All Rubbery...

P90X – My Arms Are All Rubbery…
Day 66 of my P90X adventure had me focused on Shoulders and Arms, (curls, curls and then more curls) with a healthy dose of Ab Ripper X to round off my workout.
I was able to keep up with the group and only had to reduce my weights for a couple of the sequences. One of the rules of thumb (Tony’s rule that is), if you are using a lighter weight, go with more reps. If the weight you are using is heavier, less reps are needed.
Another factor to consider is what your goal is. If you are looking at bulking up, then use a heavier weight and do less reps. If your goal is to be lean, then lighten up the load and increase the duration. I was happy somewhere in the middle. I stayed with a heavier weight when I could and I think it is going to pay off. I can feel it. My arms are all rubbery.  
During today’s workout my mind was playing with the notion of which P90X programs I would use for my post 90 day maintenance. I will definitely not be doing this sort of intense schedule of 1 to   1 ½ hours every day. I will keep up my 3 mile run every other day and figure out some sort of exercise routine to keep the rest of my body toned. Then the idea of using the Shoulders and Arms program as one of my workout routines popped into my mind. I liked the idea. This would absolutely be an excellent upper body workout that I can see myself doing maybe once or twice a week.
The Ab Ripper X sequence was the same as always…difficult and sweat inducing. Loved it.
Man oh Man...Did I Do Curls?