Thursday, January 31, 2013

P90X - Oh What A Day...

P90X – Oh, What A Day…
My 53rd P90X day was a special one. Not only was it my 3rd Thursday in Phase Two, and not only was it my day for diving into the realms of Yoga X and all that it brings to the mind, body and soul, it was also my 22nd anniversary. Oh, what a day.
After Kerry and I shared the Yoga X experience for the full 1 ½ hour program, we headed out for lunch to share this special day, together. Italian was the course we opted for and we enjoyed every bite.
Usually, on my Yoga X day I would finish off with a 3 mile run. Today, I will spend every moment with my bride. Instead of running, alone, together we walked he dog, visited with neighbors and sucked in as much fresh air as we could.
Tomorrow, I will continue on with my routine and will enjoy the success, as it comes. I did find my Yoga positioning was much more on target today compared to times past. Still, there are a few things I dare not try (yet). That day will come (soon) but for now I do what I can and I do it well (sort of)
Now it is time to return to the company of my bride and together we will bask in what, so far, has been the perfect day.
                                      She put up with me for 22 years, and is ready for more.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

P90X - One Day At A Time...

P90X – One Day AT A Time…
Day 52, and counting, and counting and counting.  Wednesday has me doing Back and Biceps followed by my Ab Ripper X routine. I got the P90X started early today, while Kerry was out walking with her friend. By the time she got home I was done with my Back and Biceps.
I noticed that my curls are more powerful now compared to earlier days/weeks. My chin ups are still pretty entertaining (funny). I found that during today’s program, when finishing a series of curls, as I reached up and grabbed onto the Chin Up bar, I barely had the strength to lift myself up once. My arms were numb with fatigue. But I did what I could and I count that as a success. I felt the burn. Later on, each time I passed the doorway with the Chin Up bar, I grabbed on and pumped out 6 or 7 with ease (sort of).
Another amazing accomplishment for me is doing sit ups during the Ab Ripper X routine. I remember when I first started doing Ab Ripper X; I could barely do any of the exercises. I found myself lying on the floor, dizzy and exhausted, and unable to complete the program. You can read all about those days in my earlier P90X postings. Today, I am doing sit ups and even though my legs are all over the place, I do complete the sit up. Also, today was the first day when doing the leg climb that I was actually able to touch my toes (with slightly bent knee of course). One day at a time.
                                                            Look What I Can Do

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

P90X - Jumps, Hops and Lunges...

P90X – Jumps, Hops and Lunges…
Can you say Plyometrics? Yupp, that was what I focused on doing today, along with my 3-mile run of course.
I did do it a little backwards today. With a busy days schedule ahead of me, and Kerry wanting to go to her Palates class, I ended up going to the gym first and getting my run out of the way. Then once Kerry was finish with her class she picked me up and together we completed some of the errands we needed to get done. Once we were back at home I popped the Plyometrics DVD in and went to town on my jumps, hops and lunges.
The hour went by quickly and the sweat ran down my face freely. As I sit here noting the experience I can still feel those wonderful tingles in every part of my body.
Last night Kerry and I watched The Biggest Loser and for me I was impressed at how the coaches pushed each member of their team to go beyond the point of comfort and to enter the realm of pain and discomfort. Even though I think I am pushing myself, in reality I must ask the question, “How hard am I really pushing myself and can I do more?”
This, my 51st day of P90X (the 3rd Tuesday of my Phase 2) I have to be honest with myself…and answer No. I think I can push it a little harder. Tomorrow I will do just that.

Catch Air

Monday, January 28, 2013

P90X - Of Course...

P90X – Of Course…
Today is a day marked with 50/40…50 days down and only 40 more to go. Am I having fun venturing along my P90X journey? Of course. Am I looking forward to the day when I no longer have to work so hard, each and every day? Of course. Once I am done, and this journey is but a memory, will I continue to work at living a healthier lifestyle with regular exercise and diet, keeping my weight where it needs to be? Of course.
Today was my day to work on Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. It was extremely pleasurable, except for the pushups I couldn’t do. Now don’t get me wrong. It wasn’t as if I couldn’t do them. It was more in regards to the quantity, but like Tony says, it is all about maximum quantity-do what you can and benchmark that number. The next time you will be able to do more, even if only by one.
There were a couple of pushups that I decided to pass on, like the plyometric pushup where one pushes upwards, hard and fast with hands leaving the ground. I actually positioned myself, ready to give it the old college try, but the image of me planting my face onto the floor with the momentum of my body behind it prompted me to pass on that one. Also, the one handed pushup was not on my must-do list. Instead, when these impossible pushups came up, I simply assumed the position and did my pushups the old fashion way. I can honestly say that I am able to do more today compared to only a week ago. HOO-RA
The days exercise obligation ended with a little Ab Ripper X. Kerry joined me for that session and together we made short work of it. She really impresses me as to how fit she is when doing these various Ab Ripper maneuvers. She is my rock.
                                                                   Eat Healthy

Sunday, January 27, 2013

P90X - Rest Or Not...

P90X – Rest or Not
Today, a Sunday and my 49th P90X day gave me two options. First I could take this as a day of rest or I could pop in the X-Stretch DVD and spend an hour popping old joints and extending non-limber tendons to points well beyond the norm.  I pondered, for hours before making the final decision.
It was almost 4pm when I decided to go with the X-Stretch routine. Why not? I haven’t missed a day yet due to being lazy. I did miss one Sunday X-Stretch routine due to illness (last Sunday).
So as far as today’s posting goes, there is not much to say. I am following the program, sometimes with intensity and other times with not.
Tomorrow, more to come.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

P90X - As Soaked As Kerry...

P90X –As Soaked As Kerry…
What a rain. Kerry waited for it to subside before heading out for her usual 6 mile walk with her walking buddy (a former co-worker). They thought they had the weather beat, but as we all know, never try to second guess what Mother Nature may (or may not) do. As the girls reached the halfway point of their Saturday morning jaunt the heavens opened up and the rains returned. They had no option other than to endure and continue on. They were halfway up a canyon with no shelters nearby, no passing traffic to flag down and no umbrellas. They got home drenched.
I was drenched as well, but for a different reason. Today was my 48th P90X day, one filled with Kenpo X and a 3 mile run to boot. The last time I tried to do the Kenpo DVD I was coming down with a bug, forcing me to quit before I was done. Today I kept up with each and every exercise, step for step, punch for punch and kick for kick. By the time the DVD was done I had a pretty good sweat going on.
Now, if I thought I was wet before, when I got back from my 3 mile run at the gym, I was almost as soaked as Kerry was after her walk today.
I am almost half way done with Phase 2 of the P90X journey. Time sure flies by when you’re having fun.
                                                                     Take That

Friday, January 25, 2013

90X - Paid In Full...

P90X – Paid In Full…
As you may (or may not) remember, yesterday was one of those busy days where I barely had enough daylight time to finish what I started. I did get to do a run, but only for a single mile. It was either run the 3 miles I usually do and miss an opportunity to have a lunch date with Kerry or walk away from my run, without crossing my 3 mile finish line and bask in my wife’s company. Remember, I walked away after only running 1 mile. It was well worth it.
My plan was to be in debt for the 2 miles I missed. I decided to add them to my 3 miles on Saturday, making that visit to the gym a 5 mile day. That would settle my dept to myself.
Today is my 47th day of P90X and being a Friday I got to work on the Legs and Back routine with a follow up of Ab Riper X. Since I had an errand to run at Home Depot, which happens to be near my gym, I decided that once I finished my Legs and Back workout I would head to Home Depot to take care of business, stopping at the gym on the way home to pump out a quick 2 mile jog. It didn’t take me more than 20 or 25 minutes to settle my dept to myself. No longer will I have to do those extra miles on Saturday. My debt was now paid in full.
As soon as I got home Kerry had lunch prepared (with a side on fresh baked Chocolate Chip cookies). I ate while doing my manly man chores (hard wiring a timer for the outside lights on the front of our house and installing a digital antenna and convertor box on a spare TV and reprogramming a couple of remotes).
Once all was done I went back into my exercise room and started the Ab Ripper X DVD.  For those exercises that I do, I am doing them better (harder, faster, longer). There are still a few that prove to be beyond my ability (for now). I will continue to work on those (sit ups and chin ups).
Sounds like a good time to go and soak in the hot tub for a bit. I owe it to myself and like I said earlier, I always pay my debts.
Gotta Run

Thursday, January 24, 2013

P90X - Go To Her...

P90X – Go To Her…
My 46th day of P90X was a busy one. This, being a Thursday of Phase 2, my obligation was to be 1 ½ hours of Yoga to which I would usually add a 3 mile run. Last night as I pondered what this day would bring, and demand, I resolved myself to getting an early start. If I began my Yoga X at 7:30am, then I would be done my 9am, giving me plenty of time to do a run and all of the other things that were waiting for me throughout the day.
By 8:30am I was still in bathrobe, on the computer, surfing for this and that. Finally I got my butt in gear, popped in the DVD and hit the “play” button. Kerry joined me for most of the work out and eventually, the deed was done. Yes, now I can plough like the rest of them, without touching the floor with my toes of course.
I immediately headed off to the gym to get my run in. The problem was there wasn’t a whole lot of time. Kerry and I had a lunch date and it was coming down to the wire as far as timing went. We needed to leave the house no later than 11:30 (because that was when there would be someone here to watch over Kerry’s mom. It was a slim window of opportunity, one that we both wanted to take full advantage of.
While running past the one mile mark I looked at the clock. I had two options; 1) Stay the course and get home late. I would need an extra 20 minutes to finish my 3 miles.  2). Accept that today I would only run a single mile but enjoy a wonderful lunch with the most important person in the world to me. As I pondered my options a voice suddenly spoke to me, loud and clear. It said, “Go to her.” I did. We had the most wonderful experience with not only the meal, but with the drive as well.  
I made a promise to myself that the next time I go running (on Saturday) I will run 5 miles instead of 3. This will make up the two miles I missed today. I’ll let you know how that goes.
We do so very much enjoy each other…
Kerry and Me under the Kissing Tree, Xian, China

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

P90X - There's No Looking Back...

P90X – There’s No Looking Back…
Finally, I reached my 45th day of P90X. That means I am half way there and there’s no looking back. Everything from this moment on is an easy (or not so easy) eventual, much anticipated slide across home plate. I will make it.
When doing my routine today (Back & Biceps) I found it amusing at how easy some of the moves have become. Yes, I push for those extra few reps, just to insure I feel the burn, and I do. The chin ups are not going to happen the way they want me to do them, but for someone my age, being able to squeeze out 6 very ugly chin ups is an amazing accomplishment, especially considering when I started this journey, I couldn’t do one.
I also ended my routine with a dose of Ab Ripper X. I remember back during my first week, lying on the floor feeling all dizzy from the Ab Ripper X program. I thought it to be impossible…I was wrong. But then again, what I do compared to what is demonstrated is not a pretty thing to behold, but it still does for me what I am wanting to get out of this experience.
As I mentioned in various earlier postings, I did take a series of measurements on day one and will do the same series of measurements after my last day of P90X. Yes, I will share them with you at that point. I even took some “Before” pictures and will be sure to snap a few “After” ones as well. Will I share those with you? Maybe, maybe not. Looking at the pictures I took at the beginning of my P90X journey, it is almost embarrassing as how out-of-shape I was. At this half way point, I can report to you that I have lost well over 20 lbs (exact details being purposely avoided at this point in time). All of my pants are now one or two sizes too big.
Now, for my recent bought with the cold (or whatever that was). When I woke up this morning I was 90 to 95% myself with some slight sinus pressure. It is nothing that I can’t handle and nothing that will slow me down. Tomorrow I look forward to the P90X workout followed by my 3 mile run. Someone once asked me why I am doing a 3 mile run 3 times a week when it isn’t a part of the P90X program.  It comes down to this; before I started the P90X journey I was going to the gym 6 days a week, running 3 miles on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays I would use various machines to provide some sort of upper body work out. This I thought was a well rounded work out, and for the most part it was. When Nick (my youngest) suggested that we take the P90X challenge together I didn’t want to lose my love for the jog, so I incorporated it into the P90X routine, adding the run on those days when I wasn’t required to do Ab Ripper X. My entire body tingles now with muscle aches and my oxygen intake capability has tremendous volume since I started running.
Running 3 miles was not an easy thing for me at first. Initially, I had to get my butt off of the couch and into the gym. That was a challenge, but once I did I never looked back. I designed a treadmill exercise that burned max calories while training my lungs to breathe deeply and my legs endurance. I called this workout my 4/15/30. I would jog on the treadmill at 4 miles per hour, at a full 15 incline for 30 minutes. Now, 4 miles per hour isn’t very fast but when you are at a full steep incline (15) you are working hard for the duration (30 minutes). Hundreds of calories flew off of me each time. I did this once a day for 5 or 6 days a week, for 2 years straight. Of course I added a few other workouts to keep my joints moving and lubricated.
So, long story short, running is my thing now and that is why I incorporated it into my P90X workout.
                                                           Never Stop Moving

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

P90X - That Ain't Gonna Happen...

P90X – That AIn’t Gonna Happen…
The last time I posted was on Saturday, the day that I crashed and burned due to this cold (or whatever it was). Well, today is Tuesday and I am glad to say, “I’m Back.”
Yes, I skipped a couple of days of my P90X but seeing that this is a 90 day program, I will continue off where I last finished. Saturday was my 43rd day so I will consider today (Tuesday) my 44th day.
Being a Tuesday my schedule has me doing Plyometrics (Jump training). Now as you may remember, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday are the days that I add a 3 mile run to the routine, even though it isn’t a part of the program. I do it because I can.
Today, I will not run and here is why; I am not yet fully recovered. I like to measure my illness in percentages. For example, on Saturday, when I was at my lowest, I would say that I was at maybe 20% functionality. I could still do stuff, but only the basic necessities (eat, move short distances, moan, etc). You get the picture… Sunday I was at about 40% of my usual self, but still ill enough to avoid going to church (plus I didn’t want to spread and germs).  Monday I was up to around 50% and thanks to my wife’s nursing ability, today when I woke up I was at a wonderful 80% of my normal self. I was tempted to stay down for the day just to get back up to the fully charged 100%. That Ain’t Gonna Happen!
So, when I started working out today doing Plyometrics, I followed along feeling pretty good. I was able to continue on while hitting the pause only a couple of times, to sip a drink and rest for 30 extra seconds. What amazed me the most was my perspiration; I do sweat normally when working out but today it was as if a faucet was turned on; fluids just poured out of every pore. Don’t worry…I replenished well. But, as far as going to the gym goes to run a few miles, I decided not to push it. Right now I feel wonderful and more energetic than I have in days. So I will take it easy as far as the extra stuff I do goes. My next running day is Thursday. Maybe by then I will be up for it. I hope so.
My P90X partner, Nick (also my youngest son) lives in Alabama and together we are taking this P90X journey. This is my 1st attempt and his 2nd.  How strange is it that when I took sick a few days ago, he also came down with the “Bug”- one of his kids brought home a bug from school, gave it to his brother, who in turn gave it to his dad (Nick). While I was down, so was my P90X buddy. Now that is what I call a P90X Bond. Even over vast distances, our souls unite.
Being Sick Really SUCKS

Saturday, January 19, 2013

P90X - Why Me...

P90X – Why Me…
So, you would think that I would occasionally come across some obstacles during my P90X journey. A few weeks ago I injured my hand with a cactus needle. A quick surgery solved that problem (even with hand bandaged up I still did what I could to stay on track). I did miss s few days immediately post-op.
On Thursday, Kerry drove to Las Vegas to cheer on our granddaughter (Daisy) while she was doing gymnastics competition. She placed 2nd over all. Daisy rocks.
Last night, after Kerry’s mom was put to bed I started feeling pressure build up in my sinuses. Not only did I have a head ache, I was feeling the chills as well. Without Kerry here to care for her mom I ended up wearing a surgical mask and gloves when taking care of her needs. Better safe then sorry.
I finished yesterdays P90X routine including the Ad Ripper X around 4pm. Read yesterdays blog for details. Today’s schedule has me doing Kenpo and as usual, I always follow that up with a 3 mile run. I put in the Kenpo DVD and was able to do a series of punches and a few kicks. I never did get to the blocks. If I am feeling better tomorrow I will go back and finish the Kenpo.
As far as the run goes…No Way. All I want to do is sit in my big cozy chair and wrap myself up in a blanket. Kerry got home from Vegas at 3:30pm, I feel better now that I don’t have to worry about Kerry’s mom.
Ugg, Why Me.

Friday, January 18, 2013

P90X - Are You Getting Tired...

P90X – Are You Getting Tired…
Are you getting tired of my constant blogging yet? Are ya? Well, too bad because I am on a roll. I can see the half way point just up ahead (3 days away). Then it is smooth sailing across the finish line (my 90 days of sweat, aches and yes, pains).
Being day 42 and a Friday I got to experiment with the sequence of my 2 routines today (Legs & Back and Ab Ripper X).  Usually, while my muscles are still warm, I like to go right into the Ab Ripper X. Not today…
Since Kerry is out of town I found it a little difficult to get rolling this morning. No motivation! So, I ended up just getting off of my butt; I put in the DVD and went to town working on my Legs and Back. I did fast forward through the Chin Up portions (although I did do the Chin Ups). I would pull myself up and more or less do 5 or 6 chin ups (not the lower to straight arms and pulling back up again kind either). I was happy just doing my own form of chin ups. Believe me, they weren’t pretty.
I loved doing the leg exercises and adding weight seems to help out a lot. By 10:30am I was finished and working through the cool down moves. Then my day got busy and it wasn’t until 4:00pm when I got around to playing the Ab Ripper X DVD. Today, the Ab Ripper killed me.
Tonight I will go to bed early, sleep soundly and charge into tomorrow’s P90X with everything I have (unless I sleep in).
No Words Necessary

Thursday, January 17, 2013

P90X - Doing The Frog...

P90X – Doing the Frog…
Today, my 41st P90X day was a long one. Yes, being Thursday, Yoga was on the schedule. I started early and had the 1 ½ hour routine completed by 9:30ish. After doing some home-admin stuff, I prepared lunch for Kerry’s mom before heading to the gym for yet another 3 mile run.
My running is beginning to show improvement. I am now running faster; shaving 5 minutes off of my 3 mile target. These results just go to show…If you bring it, it will come!
As far as my Yoga goes, I can finally touch the ground when bending over, something I haven’t done for decades. The Plow, got it. Doing the Frog, easy. There are still some moves that challenge me and for those I remind myself of my own limitations (and age). My goals are obtainable because I’ve made them reasonable.
On a somber note, Kerry headed to Las Vegas today, without me  : (  
My granddaughter Daisy is performing at a gymnastics competition in Vegas and her Grammy drove out there to cheer her on. This is great for Daisy, sad for me. This house seems empty without my soul mate so maybe to fill the void, I will dive into some serious P90X…tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

P90X - What's In A Number...

P90X – What’s In A Number…
Ah, the number 40…40 winks, it rained for 40 days and 40 nights, highway 40, to be 40 once again; all of these are great uses for the number 40. But what’s in a number? I’ll tell ya! Today, the Wednesday of my second week of Phase 2 is my 40th day. Yahoo. So I guess I can go out and buy myself a Dutch Chocolate double layer cake with 40 candles and celebrate, right? What? I can’t! Oh man…
That’s okay. I had fish and chips for lunch today – and it was GOOD (I didn't eat all of my fries). Yes, I consumed a few extra calories, but come on, this is day 40. I earned it. When I got home from lunch I did jump right into today’s routine, Back and Biceps, followed immediately by the infamous Ab Ripper X. So I did end up burning a lot of those delicious calories. I’ll get the rest of them tomorrow.
I did enjoy doing all of the curls, but I had some difficulty with the chin ups. It seems that being injured on my right hand has pushed be back a bit as far as my advancement with chin ups goes.
Just before going out to lunch Kerry and I went to the hand surgeon’s office to have my sutures removed from my right hand. I am healing fine and I should have feeling back in that ring finger within 3 – 6 months (now, it is completely numb).

So when I got back home and dove into the P90X, I no longer had the excuse of not doing chin ups for fear of ripping a stitch (or 2). Today, being suture free, I grabbed onto the pull up bar and lifted, with limited success. I will be back to my previous goal of every time I walk by the pull up bar, I will grab on and lift as many times as I can. That should do two things; 1) get be back to where I was (doing chin ups) before I got injured and 2) help me with my hand to build up strength and flexibility.
So for today, I celebrate the number 40, and I am glad for it. Just think, 5 more days and I am half way there. Yes, what’s in a number? Success.
Upward Dog - Work those tummy muscles

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

P90X - Brrrrrrr

P90X – Brrrrrrr
Plyometrics has become one of my favorite P90X routines. At this point in time, Kenpo is my All-Time-Number-One favorite (for reasons explained to you in an earlier blog). Plyo has snuck into second place. Tomorrows Back and Biceps steals third place and all of the others are pulling up the rear (I haven’t developed a love for any of them…yet).
When I started the P90X journey, Instead of following the program the way it was designed, I inserted the Cardio X DVD, just to give myself an intro to P90X; I was curious as to what this entire P90X thing was all about. I really enjoyed the Cardio X routines. The next day I started my journey towards 90 days of extreme exercise, weight loss and improved overall health. Sadly, the Cardio-X program is not a part of my Classic 90 day adventure. It is included on the Double P90X and the Lean P90X levels.
Once I am done with my 90 days, I will definitely use the Cardio X as a part of my maintenance routine.
Today was my day 39 (almost into my forty’s). I switched things up a bit. This morning (early) Kerry asked me if I wanted to go to the gym with her. This is her day for palates. I passed. I thought I would go to the gym later on in the day, maybe after lunch, leaving my morning open for Plyometrics. Then, at the last minute I decided to join Kerry and get my 3 mile run out of the way. By 10am we were back home, sore and sweaty. It took me until 2:30pm to get my other responsibilities taken care of before I could head into my exercise room for some Jump training. By 4:15pm I was done. The routines, for the most part are a lot easier. I can keep up with the speed and intensity, but still have some issues as far as bending and touching the ground before lifting off…I fake it!
Now, with the COLD temps outside, I am going to go and have some HOT homemade soup for dinner. (FYI, last night’s low was 17 deg. F (it hasn’t been that low since the 70’s). Brrrrrrr
                                                                    How Cold?

Monday, January 14, 2013

P90X - We Do Everything Together

P90X – We Do Everything Together…
Up until recently, my P90X journey was a solo event, except for those of you who have become regular readers. With you I share my ups and downs, contemplations and goals. As I have mentioned before, every now and then Kerry joins me while I am exercising, completes a few moves before leaving to continue on with her day, and her days routines.
Today was different. Kerry approached me and asked me what today’s P90X program was. I replied, “Chest, Shoulders and Triceps, followed with Ab Ripper X”. Her next three words somewhat surprised me (and pleased me). She replied, “I’ll join you” and indeed she did.
We do everything together and today’s workout was no exception. She not only stayed the course, she finished and crossed the finish line, with me, together (ahh, isn’t that sweet?) As she was about to leave I asked her where she was going. I reminded her that the Ab Ripper X DVD was next and I usually do it immediately after my day’s workout. She didn’t bat an eye as the program began. Yes, she is limber, and can do moves I only dream of. I enjoyed sharing the experience.
Kerry does have a weak shoulder so when she needed to; she modified her moves to meet her needs and not those of Tony and the gang.
For me, I am happy to say that my flexibility has improved, dramatically.  My push up numbers are climbing and my endurance enhanced. So much has happened in only 38 days of P90X. Can’t wait to see what the remaining 42 days will bring.

                                                   Always Happy Together

Sunday, January 13, 2013

P90X - To Relax of Not To Relax...

P90X – To Relax or Not To Relax…
Day 37, a Sunday; this is the day that gives me one of two options for my P90X journey. To relax, or not to relax, that is the question. If I decide to relax, then I have the day off. No running, no squatting, no weight lifting and no pull ups, push ups or sit ups...sit on my butt and maybe watch a movie (or 2). Of course, all of this leisure would occur after getting home from a wonderful morning at church.
If I decide not to relax, then the P90X schedule expects me to run the X-Stretch DVD  and follow along as best I could. What to do, what to do? What do you think?
Of course I decided to forget the Relax option and dive right into X-Stretch.
It was a wonderful routine, one that my mind (and body) thoroughly enjoyed. I spent the remainder of the day with my batteries fully charged. Yes, Kerry and I even did some honey-do chores.
Sadly, Sunday, and all its leisure, will soon come to an end, bringing me back to the sweat and grind of the other P90X routines. BRING IT!
                                                           Stretch Good, Rack Bad

Saturday, January 12, 2013

P90X - Higher, Faster, Harder...

P90X – Higher, Faster, Harder…
Almost done with this week, my first week of Phase 2. Yes my P90X’s 36th day is now history.
Today (Saturday) had me doing Kenpo, my favorite of all P90X routines. There is something wonderfully elegant about beating up an imaginary foe, standing 2 feet in front of you.  My kicks are higher and on target, my punches on point and my blocks are powerful and precise (if I do say so myself). Now, if my DVD instructor saw my kicks, punches and blocks, he may very well have a different opinion. “Higher, Faster, Harder,” he would yell at me.
Of course, once my routine was done it was off to the gym for me. Today’s 3 mile run was an easy one. I could have gone on and on and on, but I stopped when it was time to stop. I did notice a funny thing at the gym. There was a lady on the treadmill next to mine. She was going along at a slow but steady pace of 2 or 3 miles per hour. Yes, she was doing a walk, not a run. During the entire time I was sweating like crazy, she was casually walking on the conveyor while texting with some faraway companion. She didn’t look up once.  
I was once told that if one goes to the gym and while exercising can have a conversation with someone, then they are really not exercising. They are wasting their money (and time). For me, when I run, there is no way I can speak, no way at all.
I am glad that I don’t text, or chat or waste money when I go to the gym. I am there to do a job, just like the job I am doing with my P90X. My job, for the next 54 days at least, is to stay the course, and finish this journey.
                                                          ...Take That...

Friday, January 11, 2013

P90X - The Bedouins Have Moved In...

P90X – The Bedouins Have Moved In…
35 days into my P90X journey and I am finally getting back into the swing of the routine.
But, before I could get into my routine today, Kerry and I had some chores that needed to be done first. Starting tonight, the temperature lows will plummet to the mid to high 20’s (F). Over the next few days the lows will climb, first to the high 20’s then to the low 30’s before we see our lows back up above freezing. So, for the next few nights, if there is a tree we like, that can be damaged by frost, we need to take action. There will  be no putting-it-off for another day. The freeze arrives tonight!
A couple of years ago, we bought a bunch of king sized flat sheets and in groups of two, we stitched them together, end to end. This gave us decent cover for our citrus trees. Over the years the trees have grown to the point where a double king sheet just doesn’t cut it. I went out and bought more sheets and now we have four end to end kings attached to each other. That one cover is made with a total of 8 king flat sheets. We have another one made with 6 king sheets, a couple of 4 king sheet covers and a few single king sheets for good measure. The covers are on the trees, anchored by large rocks so the winds will not carry them away.
Looking in our back yard it looks like the Bedouins have moved it, setting up camp where our citrus trees used to be.
Once this chore was completed, it was off to my exercise room for me and my old and beat up body.
Today was Back and Legs with a solid dose of Ab Ripper X. I find it interesting that on the days when I am at the gym running, my mind tells me that I would prefer to be home plowing through the Ab Ripper X DVD and on the days (like today) when I am doing the Ab Ripper X  session, my brain longs for the treadmill and those lovely 3 miles that pass beneath my feet.
I actually cheated today, if one wishes to call it cheating.  I prefer to call it modifying – doing the Back and Legs session, they switched back and forth between pull ups and leg exercises. Because I can’t do a pull up with stitches in my hand, I just hit the fast forward button. So in reality, today’s 1 hour program probably only took me 45 minutes to complete. No guilt here!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

P90X - Doc, I've Got It Covered...

P90X – Doc, I’ve Got It Covered…
My 34th day brings Yoga X followed by my usual 3 mile run.
My injured hand will take weeks before it will bend like the other hand and from what the surgeon said yesterday, it could be 6 months before I get feeling back in the damaged finger. Still, I ploughed away at the Yoga routines and as usual, those I could do, I did and those I couldn’t do, I modified.
What was my favorite part of today’s Yoga class you ask? I could be a wise guy and say my favorite was the part at the end when we do the corpse pose (lay on back, arms and legs relaxed, eyes closed and do nothing for 60 seconds), but in reality, I had no one favorite part. Instead I am pleased that I am just able to keep up with the constant variations of Warrior poses and Downward Dog stretches.
When I got back from my 3 mile trek I sat and chatted with Kerry. She asked me how the run was and I told her the truth; when I started I wanted to stop right away and it wasn’t until the 2 mile mark was behind me before my second wind kicked in giving me the endurance to increase my pace past the 3 mile marker. Kerry suggested I was tired because I was doing too much. I countered with, “Maybe it had to do with my doing a 1 ½ hour Yoga session before heading to the gym.” She laughed as she commented on how much cardio exercise I was getting. Is it too much? To me, no! To Kerry, probably not! To my cardiologist, I see him next week. He is an advocate of exercise especially cardio. “Doc, I’ve got it covered.” But of course, every time I see him I go into detail about my life's habits, including exercise.
Today, it is done! Tomorrow will be a new day, with new challenges. I’ll keep you updated as it unfolds.
                                                 Has anyone seen my foot?

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

P90X - Good News, Bad News...

P90X – Good News, Bad News…
Day 33 brought me challenges, good news, bad news you might say. My day started with a cancelled dentist appointment (good news) soon followed by a trip to my hand surgeon’s office to have my sutures removed. The finger, although still numb, is very sensitive along the incision/suture line. I just wanted to get the stitches removed so I could resume normal activity with my right hand (pull up bar, curls, pushups, etc).
The nurse took Kerry and me into the examination room where a mayo stand was set up with mayo cover, and a sterile suture removal kit was placed next to my out-stretched hand. We waited, and waited and waited some more. Eventually my doctor entered the room and delivered to things to me (us); good news, bad news.
The good news, any chance of fungal infection complications have been eliminated (good news). The incision has not completely healed so he wants to leave the sutures in for another week (bad news). He also wants me on antibiotics for an additional 10 days, just to insure there are no complications down the road (bad news). He did speak about the surgery and how amazed he was at the size of the needle that pierced my finger. He actually told us that during the surgery, even though there was an entry wound on one side of my finger and an exit wound on the opposite side, he had a difficult time locating the needle. He kept digging, cutting, searching; until he discovered the needle completely within my tendons sheath. He was impressed; Kerry was fascinated; I was nervous and just wanted my stitches removed so I could be done with this. But that is not to be, for another week anyways.
We also had a service man here to do a little work so by the time all was done the clock was approaching 3pm. I really wanted to just sit back and relax and consider today a P90X neutral day and resume tomorrow as P90X day 33. Yea, right, like my brain was going to let that happen.
Phase 2 Wednesdays is the Back and Bicep day, followed with a little Ab Ripper X. I was glad to not have to go to the gym and run today. The lazy mode had set in and just working out in my exercise room was enough for this day. Here was my problem; with sutures in my hand, using the pull up bar was out of the question. I tried to do one pull up and immediately sensed tension on the sutures. No Way Jose; I don’t feel like making a trip to the E.R. to have a ripped suture replaced. During the pull up sections of today’s workout, I hit the fast forward button. I did do most of the curls, even though grabbing on the weight with my right hand was somewhat uncomfortable.
Ab Ripper X flew by and I was glad for that. Tomorrow is Yoga X and a 3 mile run. I will let you know how that goes. I'm tired...

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

P90X - Getting Some Air...

P90X – Getting Some Air…
Officially day 2 of Phase 2...I found myself doing one of the more enjoyable routines (for me). Today was Plyometrics and as I was building up a sweat I was noticing a measureable improvement from my last time doing jump training. My feet were actually leaving the ground while trying to maintain form. Oh well, at least I was getting some air.
The one exercise that still baffles me is the running-around-the-towel bit. You know the one I mean?  You place a folded towel upon the floor and as quickly as you can you run in a clockwise direction, around that towel (without touching it). While holding your head and shoulders stationary, your entire lower torso moves like crazy. Once you are at the point where you almost fall down, you are told to stop (good) and then do it again in the opposite direction (not so good). I think the trick is to forget about doing it quickly and instead, focus on style and form (slower is better). I need to work on that.
Once my Plyometrics session was done, it was time to run errands and take care of a business meeting. After Kerry and I had a wonderful lunch (a shared soup and sandwich) I brought Kerry home. Then I headed to the gym to knock out another3 mile run.
For the next three weeks I will be adding Ab Ripper X to my Monday, Wednesday and Friday schedule and on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays I will add my own twist to the routine (a 3 mile run). This is the same as I did in Phase 1 and for me; it seemed to work just fine.
Hot tub time…
                                                                      I Can Fly

Monday, January 7, 2013

P90X - Knots Landing...

P90X – Knots Landing…
Today is the first day of my second phase of P90X. Yes, I am on my journeys 31st day and I wasn’t going to let a small thing like wounds and stitches slow me down.
I was somewhat excited about the routine today. This would be the first time I got follow along with the Chest, Shoulders & Triceps DVD. Most of it was manageable but I did have some hurtles to clear, due to the sutures on my right hand. Even though the wound is closed and healing, the stitches still have my skin puckered at each suture site. My skin will return to its normal smooth contour a few days after the sutures are removed. Of course there will be a scar, but being a guy, I am cool with that. When I exercise, using my right hand, the suture knots landing up against my wound causes a little discomfort. I found a work-around.
Today, there were plenty of weight curls and pushups. When one does a pushup, their hands are firmly planted on the floor with fingers wide apart. If I did that with my right hand I would rip every stitch open, so instead I use my weights as a pushup bar, with a dish towel wrapped around the bar of the weight. This gave my right hand a nice cushy surface to grab on to. For the most part, it worked perfectly. Did I do as many pushups as the instructor did? Nope! Did I come close? Nope! Did I do as many as I could and when I thought I couldn’t do any more try to push another 1 or 2 out? Absolutely!
After my workout Kerry and I took the dog for a neighborhood walk, logging in a mile or so before heading back to the house. She wanted to run some errands. As she went shopping I continued on with my P90X obligation for day 1 of Phase 2; Ab Ripper X.  Done; and I’m beat (feel good) but glad that I am done for the day with P90X.
After taking 1 ½ weeks off due to my dance with the cactus I realize that once one is finished the entire program, it is imperative that they continue on with some sort of maintenance routine. Even if it means doing something physical every other day, you have to keep it up. If not, your body will fall into a not-so-good place where it will feel very comfortable; a place you will find mentally difficult to come out of. Been there, done that!
Don’t just Bring It – Keep It!
                                                                  I Did It