Monday, November 30, 2015

Road Trip...Day 49 - Day 51

Day 49...Nov 2

We started our day in Geary Oklahoma heading west on 40. We found a casino that advertised great food at bargain prices. We thought we would check it out...if it didn't work out, at least we could get some coffee to go. The decor was that of a 50's diner, with an Elvis statue greeting you at the door. We decided to enjoy the experience and placed our order. I got the breakfast special (sausage, eggs, pancakes) while Kerry ordered the biscuits and gravy. Kerry enjoyed my food more than hers...and so did I. The gravy had no taste, nor did the biscuits. I had plenty for both of us. We ate well and left full.

When we were in Pottsville visiting Diane and Travis, he suggested we visit the 14 stations of the cross. I wasn't sure what it would be like, especially since Kerry and I actually walked the stations of the cross in Old Jerusalem. As we were driving Kerry asked me about a sign she saw. It said something about an inspirational rest stop. I thought she said an expiring rest stop. I assumed it meant the rest stop was being shut down due to budget cuts. She had no idea of what I was talking about and apparently neither did I. Looking up I saw this amazing cross reaching up a hundred feet. We pulled off the highway to explore. Surrounding the base of this cross were 14 stations depicting the events of the crucifixion. Words can not do justice to what this rest stop offered us and every other visitor. We drove away feeling very blessed.

 Kerry standing at base of cross

Arriving in Amarillo by 1:30pm we headed straight for the Big Texan restaurant, famous for the free 72 ounce steak...if you can eat it and all the sides within a short amount of time. Many have tried and only a few actually succeeded.  Again we ate with my buffalo burger and Kerry with her rib eye. We even took a couple of rolls and some leftover steak with us so we could have a steak sandwich for supper.

Deciding to get Amarillo behind us so we wouldn't have to deal with rush hour traffic in the morning, we continued west bound on 40 until we found a quaint little RV park called Oasis RV Resort.  Once we were set up for the night we ate our steak sandwiches followed by a nice evening stroll around the resort. There are some amazing RV's in here. But none of them are getting the gas mileage we get...

We are now all nicely tucked in for the night.

Day 50...Nov 3

Today started with some dry granola for breakfast. It was too cold to bother with adding almond milk. Kerry organized the inside of the van while I made some fresh French Press was good to have a hot drink during the early morning chill.

Instead of buying ice cubes or blocks and having to deal with melting issues we decided to be a little creative. We used two 1 gallon milk containers and filled them with water. Putting them in the freezer over night would leave us with two sold ice blocks that lasted approx. one week. Even though they may thaw within 4 or 5 days, the cold water left everything in the cooler nice and cold. Well, our camp spot was right next to the bath house and next to the bath house was a freezer full of bags of ice for was on the honor take a bag of ice and place your money into a box mounted on the wall next to the freezer. Our milk containers were once again thawed and so I placed them in the freezer, next to the bags of ice. By morning they were frozen solid. 

Back on highway 40 West we continued along looking for a place to stop and get some real breakfast. That was when we discovered the town of Tucumcari New Mexico. This was now a ghost town with almost every other business closed down and boarded up...a result of the interstate 40 being built, putting small towns along the old Route 66 in a dire financial situation. We did find a grocery store  to replenish our supplies...pastrami, banana's, oranges, apples, avocados, soda and of course beer. We were now set.

We continued on to the town of Santa Rosa, thinking we might want to camp there for the night. WRONG! This was a dry, hot, dusty place where camping is only available on dirt sites. No town please.

We continued down the road stopping at a tourist trap souvenir place in Cline Corners. This was a great place if you are interested in buying southwestern items from cowboy hats to stuffed rattlesnakes. I did buy mocha milk shake that was both expensive and delicious. Money well town please.

As we pulled into Albuquerque we started looking for a campsite. We called and drove by many but nothing appealed. Something was telling us to keep looking. We ended up spending over an hour driving around the city, to no avail. Soon we found ourselves driving out of the city continuing west on 40. Within 30 minutes we stumbled upon the High Desert RV Resort. They only charged us $10.00 for the night, with electric hookup. What a deal.

Now that supper is finished and the sun has set we are finishing the day by sitting, or should I say lounging in the van while watching Netflix. Life is good.

Day 51...Nov 4

When we got up I made coffee while Kerry worked on breakfast. Then we were once again blindly following the path ahead, to wherever it may lead. As we drove off towards the west we noticed some dark cloud formations behind is. We were glad to be heading away from it and not towards it. 

Just before we left New Mexico we stopped in a small town called Gallup. This is where we would stretch our legs, get some lunch and fill up the gas tank. Everything was going along as planned that is until we left the diner. When we walked in the diner the sky was blue with a few clouds here and there. The air was cool but still it was a very nice day to be driving. When we walked out of the diner we walked right into one of those snowstorms that hit you right in the face with cold wet sticky snow. It was accumulating on the sidewalks. We had to come up with a plan, quickly.

Kerry covered in snow after short walk from diner

Being raised in Montreal I had no problem driving in a little wet snow...and that is just what I did, leaving Gallup behind us. Soon we crossed into Arizona. The surrounding scenery was beautiful and so was the weather. Apparently we out ran the storm and we were now driving beneath blue skies once again. It was Kerry's turn to drive giving me an opportunity to sit back and relax.

Within 30 minutes that storm we thought we out ran (twice) caught up with us once again, and this time she was angry. A light snow turned into a heavy flurry which was soon replaced with a downright blizzard. The temp was dropping and visibility was getting worse by the minute. Our options were to either stay the course towards our destination 40 miles ahead or find somewhere to turn around and back track to the nearest civilization 10 miles behind us. It was getting seriously dangerous to be on this road. What was once a highway was now a pathway, shrinking by the minute. Kerry asked me what I wanted to do and I made the call...turn around and take our chances back from where we came. Talk about white knuckle driving. We were both exhausted with anxiety as we slowly navigated back towards the small nowhere town of Buckskin.

We were lucky. We found one of the last rooms in town and were pleased to find out that they were pet friendly. The Buckskin Lodge is a very quaint facility, small yet rustic in a very charming way. Depending on what this storm does, we are prepared to hang out here for a few days...the forecast for tomorrow is warmer with clear skies. Maybe we will make it off of this mountain after all. 
Morning Thaw

As we checked in we met a cop from Manitoba Canada who was traveling along the same highway we were, he only made it a mile before turning around and making his was to shelter...and get this...He Was Driving A MOTORCYCLE! Those Canadian dudes are a tough breed. We were now warm and dry by the fire and ready for a good nights sleep.

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