Sunday, November 22, 2015

Road Trip...Day 25 - Day 27

Day 25...Oct 9

Today was the day we planned on hanging around the house and that is exactly what we did. Kerry and I drove to WalMart to gets the fixings for a nice lasagna casserole....Kerry and I would cook dinner today....yummy

Nick and I also tackled a project he had that was long overdue because of his busy work schedule. His boys are always running here and jumping there...high energy boys I guess you could say. Well, racing down the stairs and banging into the banister like they do, the spindles have more or less been completely knocked out. 

Our goal was to remove or dismantle the entire banister assembly and reassemble them using a more boy proof technology...steel pins top and bottom with liquid nails for added extra strength. By the time it got dark we had one section done...3 more to go.

Day 26...Oct 10

Today we completed another section of the banister system. The one we did yesterday was completely set now and believe me, it 'ain't goin' nowhere. I was pleased to have some leftover lasagna for lunch ... the kids were pleased with their peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. 

Again Nick and I worked until sunset and only stopped because we ran out of hardware, not to mention that dinner was ready. We enjoyed an awesome stir fry.

Rosie is enjoying the adventure for the most part. The problem she has is that Karis screams loudly during play time and runs around at the same time. It is as if Rosie wants to herd her like a sheep. It is scary to think that our Rosie might nip at little Karis. We will have to keep an eye on them to make sure there are no accidents.

Day 27...Oct 11

Today we go to church. This is one busy family. Kristin works at the church doing child care, the kids need to be dropped off at their Sunday school classes and Nick runs the slide projection for the sermon. We also had to stop at Lowe's to get some hardware we needed to finish the banister installation. We arrived at church with a few minutes to spare. 

The church we attended is the First Baptist Church of Prattville.  We listened to the senior pastor, Brother Travis Coleman. He did a great job delivering the message, starting with having everyone take out their cell phone, turn them on and take a selfie with images of the congregation in the background. 

It wasn't until the end of the sermon that we were told why he wanted us taking the pics. The goal is the share your church experience with everyone you know by showing yourself surrounded by your church family. By sharing these pics on all social media, the word will get around quickly and efficiently. 

Nick has a tradition of going to a Mexican restaurant called El Patron every Sunday after church. Today we enjoyed a variety of Mexican food before heading home for an early afternoon nap.

Tonight we watched a Redbox movie titled Home, after eating a light dinner. The last thing to do today was review our pictures we have taken during our trip so far. All pics have been reviewed, saved on a thumb drive and erased from the cameras SIM cards. Now it is off to bed time (11:00 pm).

(Neither of us have changed since hanging with the kids)

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