Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Road Trip ...Day 13 - Day 15

Day 13...Sept 27

We traveled through New Hampshire but this leg of the trip we wanted to do differently. Highways versus Bi-ways = Bye Bye Highways. We left the big interstate behind us and traveled the slower back roads that wound through little towns like Franklin NH .We did do a Walmart stop for a few essentials, including a new bed for Rosie. 

We finally reached the eastern most portion of our trip so far...Old Orchard Beach Maine, a. place where my family vacationed when I was a child growing up in Montreal...fond memories.

After walking the pier and sampling a pizza slice we found a camp site deep in the nearby woods. We were one of the last campers here for the season. In a couple of days everyone here goes home and the place will be boarded up for the winter. 

We will be sure to try and stay up to watch the lunar eclipse that is supposed to occur around 9:30pm. Long day..Slept through the eclipse...

Day 14...Sept 28

We started the day with a hot camp side coffee before heading south on Highway 1.
It didn't take long before we started going through some very quaint villages. The most impressive was Kennebunk or as most know it, Kennebunkport, summer home to the Bush dynasty. We parked the car and walked around town, talking to locals, taking tons of pictures and finally having a lobster on a roll for brunch. 

As we continued down the road, in a southerly direction we soon found ourselves in the small town of York Harbor Maine. This is where we found a campground that sits right on the edge of a bluff, overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. We picked our spot, prepped the van for sleeping and took a nice long walk through town. 

After returning Rosie to the van Kerry and I returned to town (more walking) and had some seafood for dinner. Kerry ordered the lobster and I had the squid. All in all it was a good meal experience with a few bumps along the way. Nothing more needs to be said about that


Now that we are back home (the van) we are going to go for one last walk to work off our meal before calling it a night, fading off to that wonderful slumber place while watching the sea outside our window and listening to her final song, our lullaby.

Day 15... Sept 29

Woke up early and visited with a great Canadian couple who could have stayed with us for hours swapping stories but we had to leave and so we did. Next stop, Boston 

Our plan was to park somewhere where we could leave Rosie if we needed to. It was 80 degrees with 82% humidity. All of the parking structures didn't have the clearance we needed with our Yakama on top of our van. So after driving around in crazy traffic for an hour we decided to go directly to Plan B...the JFK Library and Museum. Because Rosie is a dog in the eyes of the federal government she could not go in. So, Kerry did the library while Rosie and I toured the grounds. We stumbled onto JFK's yacht...I swear it was the smallest yacht I have ever seen.

Finally we were done with Boston and decided to head for Cape Cod due to some heavy weather coming in. On the way we took a break in Plymouth...Nice rock!

 After looking at the rock and exploring the original 1700 era streets and homes we decided to find a place to set up camp for the night. Quickly we found a camp ground not too far away.

As hurricane Joaquin slams the Bahamas  its arms were reaching far to the north. One thought is that it will hit the Cape area and another thought is that it may hit North Carolina instead. Either way we are in for many inches of rain during the night. Unlike most campers in tents, we are off of the ground, high and dry and we set everything up in such a way that if we needed to flee the area quickly we could be wheels rolling in less than 60 seconds.

(Every night camping ended with my playing Taps)

The campsite we were set up in had a neighbor two spots over. As we arrived he was busy securing his tent, getting ready for the big storm. Did you ever meet someone who just made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up? This guy and his wife/girl friend gave both of us a nervous awareness. After eating, as the sun set, we decided to drive off in search of a new, more secluded spot. Once we were relocated I made sure we were prepared, me with my marine knife and Kerry with her escape strategy. Be prepared...always be prepared!

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