Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Road Trip...Day 10 - Day 12

Day 10...Sept 24

Soon after leaving our hotel and getting back on the interstate we passed the 3000 mile point of our trip. Next stop...Niagara Falls, American style. 

We got to do 95% of the Tourist thing as a family of three. Going out onto the lookout balcony was the only place we couldn't go as a family. They didn't like my little girl Rosie, even though I had her neatly tucked into my arms. So, while Kerry went up and out to view the falls, Rosie and I sat in the shade people watching and interacting with folks from all over the world. We had a great time while waiting for Kerry to return.

When we first hit the interstate 90 as we approached Chicago we paid our first toll. We have been donating to toll booths ever since. Nice highway so I guess somebody's got to pay for it.

By 4pm we were pulling into our camp site for the night in the little town of Byron in the Northwest part of New York State. We are less than a half hour from Rochester. We will just wait and see where the winds take us. We will let you know once we know.

Day 11...Sept 25

We spent the entire day in one state, NY. The day included some interesting breaks from the mundane...we got to do a few exciting things. We walked around Walmart, and visited Starbucks. We ended up driving  hundreds of miles before stopping in the artsy town of Saratoga NY...way cool place.

We finally got off of the interstate and enjoyed some back road exploration, finding our nights camp spot in the Glen Falls area, just 180 miles from the great city of Montreal (my home town). 

Tomorrow we will pass over the state line into Vermont. We will let you know how that goes next time we chat. Gotta go...our farm fresh corn on the cob is ready. Can you believe it? Only $5.00 a dozen. 

Day 12...Sept 26

We went to bed last night at 7:00pm and got up at 7:00am...nice sleep/relax time in the middle of nowhere in the Adirondacks, in upstate New York. Once the coffee was brewed and things stowed where they need to be stowed, we were east bound once again. This time it would be a short trip to Vermont. 

Along the way we stopped and bought some cookies (molasses cookies and peanut butter cookies) along with a loaf of bread from an Amish stand on the side of the road. An Amish husband and wife were manning the booth as we approached...all of their goods were fresh baked. We asked if we could take their picture and they were against the idea...they said, "We would rather you not!" See picture below for details...

We stopped at a farmers market in Shelburne and picked up some Moussaka and sweet potato for lunch and dinner...yum. Kerry also found a neat pea style coat which was too good of a deal to pass up. 

We even walked around the State capital Montpelier...beautiful historic and friendly, except for the hippy hiker who complained that we were blocking the sidewalk taking selfies and reviewing pics...maybe we were but no one else seemed to care. I just looked up and him and said, "Why thank you...have a great day!"

Have you ever seen a Costco that didn't sale gas? Well there are probably one or two in the country and we found one of them. It did give us a great opportunity to explore the university town of Burlington. Kerry found us a great camp site in the small quaint town of Braintree. Tomorrow we will travel as far east as we can go. I will tell you all about that tomorrow.

(Selfie of me pretending to sleep)

(Selfie of me pretending to be annoyed at having my picture taken)

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