Monday, November 16, 2015

Road Trip ... Day 7 - Day 9

Day 7...Sept 21

Today was a very uneventful day. We left Welcome Minnesota this morning at 8:30am and by 5pm we were set up in our camp site in Albion Wisconsin...slightly over 350 miles. Tomorrow we are looking at getting Chicago as far behind us as possible. From here (Albion) it is only 130 miles to the Windy City. Our goal is to avoid big cities as much as possible but due to the interstate setup, that is not always feasible. Will let you know how it goes. 

Day 8...Sept 22

Can you believe has already been a week since we left our home in Jacksonville Oregon. One week down and approx seven to go.

Kerry took the first shift, forcing her to negotiate the Chicago rush hour traffic...I navigated. Together we made it to the other side of the city and were finally Toledo bound. We ended up on a turn pike with regular tolls. All along this highway few areas to camp were found. Finally, we decided to keep going and eventually, just outside of Cleveland we found a Motel 6 in Amherst Ohio and decided to actually spend the night in a real bed...the first time in a week. This had to be the nicest Motel 6 we have ever seen. Modern furniture, clean and inviting...just the way we like it. Today we traveled in 3 states...

We ended the day having a bowl of soup...Kerry's was a beef veggie and mine was a stone cold, straight out of the freezer, chicken noodle. I gave it back telling them I prefer my soup hot...I got the beef veggie as well.

Day 9...Sept 23


It was a quick drive to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in downtown Cleveland. Next door was the Space and Science Museum and next door to that was the stadium, home of the Cleveland Indians. I took Rosie for a nice long walk around the stadium and the nearby docked freighter William G. Mathers, which has been converted into a floating museum...only open on weekends this time of year.

Even though my camera is pretty good, Kerry's camera is ridiculously good (18mp).  

By 1:30pm we were checking in at our hotel, followed by lunch at the Winking Lizzard. Now, it's nap time for all three of us. Maybe a nice long walk this evening would be a nice change from sitting in the van.

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