Saturday, November 21, 2015

Road Trip...Day 22 - Day 24

Day 22...Oct 6

For a super market parking lot, with security cameras everywhere and halogen lights glowing every 20 yards, we slept remarkably well.

We started the day with some McDonalds coffee...YUCK! We threw it away and used the GPS to guide us to the nearest Starbucks...Much better! When will we ever learn?

We immediately left Maryland, crossed through West Virginia and right into Virginia, with a few stops along the way. Our goal was to get at least to the Roanoak area before calling it a day. We actually made it as far as Salem before deciding to get an actual room for the night, the third room we stayed in since we left in mid September.

Just before we called it a day we stumbled upon a tiny village advertising a natural made bridge. Apparently it was a big deal for to the locals. There were lodges and gift shops and even tour buses, all for the sake of this natural bridge. 

We decided to be adventurous and take to the back roads to see if we could discover this famous bridge...using the back way in. Well, we went deep into the back hills of Virginia, on roads that were barely wide enough for our van. The drop off on the passenger side was scary enough to gets Kerry's COMPLETE attention. Well, before we became unwanted guest of some backwoods family we finally found a place where we were able to turn around. Back to civilization for us...along the way we had a few moments where Kerry wanted to get out and take some pictures. Dueling banjos played in my head.

But all ended up being fine. That is until I saw a photo worthy ridge up ahead. Asking Kerry for her camera I came to a stop, aimed the camera and got the shot. 

(This was the shot i stopped for)

Just then, looking in my rear view mirror I saw an old 18 wheeler roaring around the blind curve where we were stopped. I floored it and as I sped away I could see his brakes locking, kicking up clouds of dust and dirt road debris. All this was going on while he started slowing, sliding slightly. He sat on his air horn the entire time, dueling banjos blaring in my head trying to drown out that constant yelling air horn.

I pulled away just a little faster then he approached. He was pissed and I was determined to get us as far away as I could. I pulled into the first public place I could find which happened to be the Natural Bridge hotel...he continued barreling down the road, in the opposite direction.  Kerry was extremely alert!

Time to call it a day ... Salem Virginia here we come. 

Day 23...Oct 7

After my waffles and coffee for breakfast we double checked that nothing was left behind in the room. Salem was now history, disappearing inside my rear view mirror. Soon we passed yet another state line or two finally landing us in Tennessee. As we looked down to see how far we have gone, we smiled at the 5100 number on the odometer. We continued ... miles more to go before our next break.

Our pit stop was at the railway station in Chattanooga and yes, we saw the famous choo choo. Talk about a photo op... Apparently the Historical rail cars have been converted into hotel rooms. Smart idea if you ask me. We had a great hour or two exploring.

Once Chattanooga was behind us Kerry found a quaint campsite called The Raccoon Caverns Campground. I guess there are caves somewhere nearby. This will be our last night of camping for awhile. Once we arrive at Nicks in Prattville Alabama we will be staying with his gang for 10 days before heading south to Justin's place on the Florida Panhandle.

One observation we both noticed along this entire odyssey, so far, was the individual splendor of the surrounding scenery. We saw beautiful snow covered hills in Yellow Stone, farm fields full of color as far as the eye can see in the prairies, sandy beaches and light houses of New England and tree covered hills of the Smoky Mountains. And just think of it, we aren't even half way done yet. 


One last closing thought for the know when you are in the Deep South when your camping neighbors sit around at night playing Soggy Bottom Boys tunes like Man of Constant Sorrow...I Like It!

Day 24...Oct 8

It was kind of warm last night so I found myself waking up a few times (11:30, 1:30, 3:45 and finally 6:00). Since we went to bed at 7:30ish the night before, at 8:00Am we decided to get up once and for all. Within 20 minutes we were ready to roll, and roll we did, right to the nearby Waffle House. Great dark roast coffee, decent waffles and a slightly above average BLT. Look out highways, here we come. We crossed through Georgia before entering into our destination, the state of Alabama.

The short 3 hour drive from our campsite in Tennessee to our youngest sons house in Prattville was uneventful, except for a few crazy drivers who tried playing chicken with each other, just to see who was more manly. I can tell you who was more stupid...BOTH OF THEM!

When we arrived at the house there was no one home so Kerry and I let ourselves in, unpacked the Hunter Family Camper (our van) and after a quick shower we headed back out to the nearest Costco (in Montgomery). We were back home within a couple of hours, just moments before everyone else got home. What joy!

We played out in the front yard for awhile...great photo op. Tonight, after dinner we get to give the grandkids a bath, tuck them in and share some special time with Nick and Kristin. What a day.

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