Friday, November 20, 2015

Road Trip ,,,Day 19 - Day 21

Day 19...Oct 3

Started the day off with a yogurt and fruit breakfast. The weather is still nasty outside; Rainy and windy ... Just like it has been since we arrived.

(I think we need a bigger boat)

The plan for today, since there was a break in the rain, was to go to check out museums and other attractions in Hyannis.

 I decided to stay home and rearrange our camping stuff, do laundry and prep for our eventual departure into the next phase of our journey. Even though the rain slowed down, it was still cold and damp outside...I stayed inside, with Rosie, the remote control and a beer. Also by my not going with the group everyone else was able to fit into one car. 

 (me taking a selfie ... there's a redhead in the way)

Another site seen by the gang in Hyannis was the Kennedy compound from the beach. They were amazed at how close they could actually get to the house. The lights were on so somebody was home. I wonder who!

When they returned home social interaction (wine, beer and conversation) was meshed with preparation of dinner. By 8:00pm we were enjoying a great bowl of homemade clam chowder. Christina and Michael did a great chowder EVER. The Southern Oregon bottle of wine we gave Christina (Syrah 2007) paired nicely with the event.

It was a memorable day...

Day 20...Oct 4 \\

A beautiful sunrise to greet a beautiful day...a good day to travel.

As most headed out after breakfast for a leisurely walk on the beach, June and I stayed behind to manage our organizational tasks. My job was to load up the van and get everything ready for our departure. By 11:00am we were wheels rolling.

We stopped in Providence R.I. For lunch. We had the best pizza ever (pesto, fresh tomatoes, cheese and olive oil) Oh My Gosh. After our own post meal walk we headed out to find a camping spot for the night.

As soon as we crossed into the town of Mystic Connecticut we stumbled upon a really nice camping facility. The trees and grounds looked awesome. The colors were changing and the flocks of Canadian geese were stunning, and low flying. Great experience. We also met Kurt, a local from Boston who brings his rig here every summer. He was a great animal lover so we all got along well. For suppers we had fruit, banana and nuts.

(Another great nights sleep)

Day 21...Oct 5

We were up early and once again on the road heading towards our next destination. We stopped at DUNKIN Donut to try what was supposed the world's greatest donuts and coffee. Wrong on both accounts. We were less than impressed. If only there was a McDonald's nearby...and we don't even like McDonalds coffee that much. 

(Really? A Piano at McDonald's?)

Along our journey we re-entered New York State and drove through Queens, the Bronx and could even see the Manhattan skyline as we crossed the George Washington bridge. This put us over into New Jersey. We passed through Newark and as we headed south on the Jersey Turnpike we passed through Trenton.  

Soon we entered for a short time the state of Delaware before going into Pennsylvania. Our goal was to reach Lancaster in the heart of Amish country. Loved seeing all the Amish going about their daily routines. Kerry got some amazing pictures...

 Interesting fact about the Amish. Did you know that if you drive a van with a funny Yakama thingy on the top and as you pull out of an intersection you actually lay rubber...EVERYTHING STOPS? All eyes on you...even the horses stared us down. Hmmm, time to leave Amish country and head for our next stop.

Next stop was a small town in Maryland called Woodbine where Kerry's cousin (and my Facebook buddy) Michael Wheeler lives. He works for the government, 20 minutes away, in Baltimore. We went out for dinner and I got to bask in the glow of their reminiscence. 

Now here is the fun part...usually we are in our campsite by 3:30pm, when there is plenty of light. We left Mikes house around 9:30pm in the dark. Couldn't find the campground we wanted so we went to a Walmart in Frederick Maryland. Tonight we camp in the Walmart parking lot.T his should be interesting. At least we don't have far to go for our morning coffee...

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