Friday, November 27, 2015

Road Trip...Day 40 - Day 42

Day 40...Oct 24

Both Kerry and I woke up feeling much better, but far from normal. Daisy visited with us before heading out for her 11:00am soccer game. She will be back some time after lunch. 

Brandon and his buddies Marcus and Alex spent the night and were heading out to get ready for the Home Coming event at the high school. Daisy was running around like crazy getting ready herself.

When Brandon left just after lunch Kerry and I said our final goodbyes. He would be sleeping at a friend's that night. He held on tight within our goodbye embrace. His friends stood silently, watching, not laughing. Kerry's farewell was equally emotional.

By 5:30pm Daisy was putting on her home coming final touches, as if she needed any. Pacing, exploding with anticipation, she was bursting to see her boyfriend Leon standing in the doorway. Soon...but not just yet.

Finally, he arrived and exploding with Daisy-energy was a Pavorotzi event of camera flashes. Her dad Justin, Grammy and me, Grampy, all armed with our digital imaging tools spent the next 15 minutes snapping, directing and re-positioning. It was AWESOME!

He called me Grampy

It was off to bed now for a much needed sleep. Our bags were packed and all we needed was a restful night, a quick loading of our luggage into the van tomorrow and after breakfast wheels will be rolling once again.

Day 41...Oct 25

We were both up early to say our goodbyes to Steph, Justin and Daisy. Brandon wasn't home (sleep over) so we would not see him anymore this trip. Sniff sniff!

Daisy and her folks had to leave early for church so our morning goodbyes were swift but sweet. Or last thoughts as they left the house was "Our Daisy has blossomed...and it is kind of scary." 

By 10:30am we were once again wheels rolling, heading back up to Nicks place in Prattville Alabama. We stopping for lunch and as we entered Prattville we stopped again to explore a county fair being held in one of the city parks. It was a good excuse to get out and stretch our legs.

When we arrived at Nick's both of his cars were there but the house was quiet and seemed empty. We soon realized they were all up stairs napping. So what did we do? Went into the living room, kicked off our shoes and napped ourselves. 

Once they all got up they were quickly off to an event at the church. Kerry and I got some more rest while anticipating their return. It was a great way to end the day watching the kids go to bed and sitting with Nick and Kristin for some quiet chat time.

Day 42...Oct 26

Rain is pouring down outside and that's okay with us. We are feeling lazy and only have two chores to do today. Nick texted me asking if we could pick up some items they needed for supper tonight. We also needed to go and get our oil changed. The engine. Service light came on yesterday warning us that our oil life was down to 15%.

 Since there is no Jiffy Lube in Prattville we decided to go to the Walmart Auto Center (I never realized that Walmart actually had an Auto Center). While waiting on the oil change we got to do the grocery shopping we needed to get done...2 birds down with one stone. 

We got to babysit Karis while Kristin went to meet up with Nick at his work. She would be gone for a few hours, picking up the boys from school on her way home. We had some wonderful granddaughter-Grammy/Grampy time. 

After dinner we sat around the TV watching Dancing With The Stars. Once our bedtime tea was consumed, Kerry and I headed for bed for a much needed sleep...still healing.

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