Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Road Trip...Day 31 - Day 33

Day 31...Oct 15

Kerry and I had a quiet day today. By 8:30am we were off to Walmart to pick up a few essentials (nail polish, travel snacks, window privacy covers for the van and a couple of Plecostomus for Nicks fish tank. Hmmm, or is it Plecostomi?  

We then returned home, ate some lunch and joined in a webinar we signed up for...the topic was Parkinson's Disease, how research can control or reduce systems or cure it altogether. It was a very informative hour, especially the promising new meds that are now in phase 3 testing on humans and about to be submitted for FDA approval.  You did know that I was diagnosed with Parkinson's, right?

Tonight Kerry and I went out for a Cajun meal, Alabama style. I had the chicken and sausage gumbo while Kerry dug into the seafood gumbo...both were served over dirty rice.

Afterwards we headed over to the boys school to see the Halloween program the school is putting on for the family and friends of their students. The kids loved it, especially the part where Kerry screamed from inside the haunted house. Before we left the house for dinner we made sure to pack up the van so tomorrow's departure for Florida will be early and smooth.

(Hay Ride)

Day 32...Oct 16

By 8:30am we were packed up completely and once again on the road...this time heading south to Justin's house in Navarre Florida. Our GPS was, directing us, faithfully, like always. We were guided along some smaller highways and back roads. 

Our first stop was at McDonalds.  i wanted to use the restroom as well as pick up a couple of hash browns ... one for me and one for Kerry and Rosie to share. As I returned to the van Kerry said, "See that guy over there." She was pointing to s black man sitting on a wall. I had seen him as I parked. I never gave him a second thought. As I looked at him now, I saw a man...a hungry man. 

Kerry went on telling me that just after I went inside the restaurant a women came out with a breakfast meal in a bag. She went over to this guy and handed it to him. He was hungry and she was feeding him. Kerry was touched and thankful for the privilege of  being there in our van witnessing this random act of. kindness. As we pulled away and continued our journey she told me how touched she was and how special the moment was for her. Yes, there is hope for mankind. Was this yet another angel placed before us?

Our next stop was in a small town called Wilmont. As we parked in the Subway parking lot we saw a dozen or so State Trooper and Sheriff cars parked.  We never felt so safe. Apparently this was where the local law enforcement agencies like to meet for lunch.  This stop was where we passed the 6000 mile point of our trip.

Next stop, Hawthorne Street in Navarre Florida...Justin, Steph, Daisy and Brandon's house.

We arrived by noon and were warmly greeted by Justin and Daisy. Steph was out picking up Brandon. Once they got home, the Florida welcome was complete. I love all of my grandkids so much and seeing them, hugging them, smelling them completed me and Kerry.  Tears of joy!

Homemade pizza and a movie was the Friday routine and this Friday was no exception.

Steph is rolling  in dough 

 We watched Guardians of the Galaxy while snacking on some awesome pizza. By the time the movie was over I was ready for bed.

I woke up at 3:30am in the morning and now my throat was getting a little sore. Was I getting a cold or was it just my sinuses causing me slight discomfort? My voice is now very deep, sounding a lot like Lou Rawls.

Day 33...Oct 17

Today was a other relaxing day of hanging with the family, eating and some more kicking back. 

Brandon left for a sleep over and Daisy had work and other responsibilities to occupy most of her day. Justin, Steph, Kerry and I decided to go see a new release movie in the local theater. We selected "Martian" in 3D. It was a great flick.

Once we got home we sat around for a couple of hours before digging in to an awesomely made shrimp stir fry. 

As far as my sinus issue goes, my throat is still sore and my voice low, but I am feeling somewhat better compared to yesterday. Hopefully tomorrow I will be feeling even better.

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