Sunday, November 29, 2015

Road Trip...Day 46 - Day 48

Day 46...Oct 30

We woke up this morning, took our time getting the van ready for the road and we even parked right by the showers (bath house) next to the office while we each took a shower. When we were done there was still no one around to take our money. So,  guess we got a free nights camping...thanks Arkansas.

We found a great little country diner called Morgan's. Eggs with bacon for me and pancakes with a slab of ham for Kerry. It was amazing.

Nearest town to Pottsville.

Within a couple of hours we were pulling into Diane's driveway, a friend of Kerry's going back to the high school years. Diane was the girl who was with Kerry the first night we met. So, I could actually say that Diane is the second American I met 25 years ago.

Diane and her husband Travis are the perfect hosts. For dinner they made a pork roast with baked potatoes and broccoli ... As I was serving myself I noticed a small pan of gravy on the stove, right next to the other menu items. I put some on everything and looked forward to digging in. Travis asked me if I thought the sauce was gravy as he broke out in laughter. Diane started laughing also. Apparently what I thought to be gravy was actually chocolate sauce for dessert. They insisted that I toss my food and start again...I refused and after saying grace I dug into what was an awesome tasting meal. If you never had chocolate covered pork roast and potatoes before you don't know what you are missing.

We ended the evening with a Bible study, getting deep into the word analyzing, contemplating and growing...a perfect day indeed.

Day 47...Oct 31

Today started with the usual coffee followed by a light breakfast. During the early mornings conversations we did some laundry and insured that all of our electronics were fully charged. By 11:00am we were starting to talk about food. There is a favorite Mexican restaurant in Pottsville that Diane and Travis highly recommended for lunch. Off we went to enjoy a perfect lunch. Kerry and I loved the fish tacos...very authentic.

 There was a Fall Festival going on in town so we decided to head over there and walk off our lunch. The dog show was very interesting, especially the one eyed dog. Obviously this wasn't a beauty contest. I bought myself a cowboy hat for $5.00 and Kerry bought some pecan pie...yummy.

Diane's sister Debbie lives 1 1/2 hours away and was coming into town to see Kerry. Their friendship goes way back...even before Kerry and Diane became friends. When Debbie showed up with her husband Ken, it was like time meant nothing...we all sat around and chatted, laughed and exchanged stories as if there was never any distance or time between us. Arkansas folks made us feel extremely was awesome. 

 Ken supervising the kitchen staff

the Kitchen Staff
Must be Break Time

Even the men had responsibilities

After dinner the Halloween kids started coming to the door. We all sat around entertaining each other for hours until it was time for bed. By now, Rosie and Diane's dog Hunter were starting to tolerate each other. Up until now, the two dogs snapped and snarled at each was a territory possession thing.

Interesting observation...for a dry county (no alcohol sold anywhere) there sure is a lot of wine and beer on the table. I loved the pumpkin beer.

Day 48...Nov 1

Before we continued traveling west today we started the day with an early breakfast followed by attending the early church service at Travis and Diane's church. While Kerry made the coffee and breakfast I went ahead and packed up the van, getting her ready for the road. The plan is to leave directly from church for highway 40 west, and the next destination.

Everything went as planned, maybe even better. It was a great church service, tons of energy. We said our goodbyes in the parking lot. Pottsville was now disappearing behind us. Once we got onto the highway, it wasn't very long before we crossed into Oklahoma, our 30th state visited during this road trip. Just before we reached Oklahoma City our odometer hit 7000 miles.  Many more miles and states to go...

We did stop at two casinos, just to stretch our legs and take advantage of the facilities. We were wanting to find one that had RV parking and hook ups. The first place we visited was called the Golden Pony in Shawnee...the air was thick with cigarette and cigar smoke. The entire casino was a series of prefab rooms stuck together. We left trying not to inhale. Then we stopped at the Grand Casino. It was a very nice and clean, and it did have an RV section. They charged $50.00 per night, too much for our needs. We ended up giving a few dollars to the slots before heading on down the road. The view of Oklahoma City up ahead quickly became a shrinking scene in my rear view mirror. By 5:00pm we were looking once again looking for a place to call home for the night. We found a KOA just off of the highway on a Cherokee reservation near Geary is one of the nicest camp grounds we stayed in so far.

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