Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Road Trip...Day 52 - Day 55

The Lost Days...

Day 52...Nov 5

It is amazing how much a snowstorm can slow you down. For three days we slowly crawled westward, driving, sleeping, eating and repeating the cycle over and over again.

Coming over the summit we did see an 18-wheeler jackknifed into a car on the other side of the road an hour or so earlier...both in flames...fire fighters busy...cops directing the traffic. This is why we decided to go back when we needed to go back and proceed cautiously when we were able to proceed


Day 53...Nov 6

There isn't much to report for these few days...since nothing worthy of note happened. Watching the forecast (or listening to it on Sirius Radio using our 3 month trial) we got to stay on top of things, jumping ahead a few miles at a time, with a focus on the Big Picture...Palm Trees, Blue Skies and a more RELAXING time behind the wheel.

Day 54...Nov 7
Objective...Drive west / Reach Ocean / Turn Right / Head North

Our primary goal is to hit the ocean somewhere near Las Angeles, then turn right (north) on the 101. At some point we will cut across to Highway 1 and follow the coast all the way into Oregon. Sometimes plans change.

Day 55...Nov 8

Let's Camp Here / Works For Me!

The adventure continues...

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