Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Road Trip...Day 56 - Day 58

Day 56...Nov 9

Today we finally got into some nicer travel weather...can you say Los Angeles? 

Our adventure today took us right into California, the last State on our Visit List. We drove through such places as Thousand Palms, Desert Hot Springs, Palm Desert, Indian Wells, etc, all the way through Riverside, Pasadena, L.A., and up to a State campground just past Santa Clarita named Castaic Lake. Throughout the entire campground there are only two other RV's... 

 As we neared our camp ground it was interesting to pass a guy who was leading his 3 pack mules down the main street. Only in California! 

We quickly found our perfect spot to set up our home on wheels. As we settle in for a good night sleep we glance out the window at the perfect view of a perfect lake beneath perfect stars...tons of stars.  

Everything is just perfect...especially now that we are off the snowy trails  and frigid night time temps. Tomorrow we tackle the Grapevine.

Interesting event on our way here as we were driving on highway 57. As we came to exit from 57 to 210 we slowed down, turned on our turning indicator and slowly made our way onto the left most lane of this three lane exit. We were just saying how heavy the traffic on the 57 was...heavy but steady. As we entered the exit, a car on the far right exit lane decided she didn't want to go this way. She needed to go back onto the 57, even though she had already committed herself to the 210 exit. Without slowing down she veered to the left, crossing the middle lane and continued right behind us. I sped up to avoid her. I watched her in my mirror as she crossed the divider that separates the exit from the other highway. I said to Kerry, "That women is crazy!" At that very moment you could hear the crunch. The white car she cut off nailed her. As we continued along I could see both cars coming to a stop, fender pieces skidding to the side of the road and all of the traffic behind them coming to a stop...The Birth Of A Traffic Jam...L.A. style.

Day 57...Nov 10

We woke up today to the sight and sound of a Park Ranger putting an invoice on our window. We had until 10:00am to pay for the camp site. After having a great breakfast of cereal with almond milk for Kerry and with yogurt for me, along with a cup of French Press coffee, we were rolling once again by 7:30am, stopping at the Ranger station to settle our account. 

I am one who does not usually offer too much info on registration forms. I may offer my street and city but no address or phone number. When the Ranger asked for my name I replied, "R Hunter!" She, with a serious look on her face asked how to spell my first name then immediately asked, "A, R, R?" I so badly wanted to say, "Yes, Arr, just like the pirate." But before I could have fun with this situation Kerry, the mature one of the group, offered the correct spelling, ending the opportunity for further jocularities. 

Within a block or two of the on ramp we stopped at a Starbucks so I could get a Coffee Mocha Frapp and Kerry could get a small bold blend to add to her remaining French Press.

Once we got back onto highway 5 we were soon climbing up and rolling down the Grapevine, putting us down into the Valley. We caught the west bound highway 46 into the town of Paso Robles. From there we headed to Cambria (near Hearst Castle) and caught highway 1, which will keep us on the coast all the way north until Crescent City Oregon, our last stop before heading back into Jacksonville, bringing this odyssey to a joyous conclusion.

By noon we were ready to stop and grab a bite to eat. There were vineyard wine tasting establishments around every corner. We saw one that advertised tasting as well as lunch. Sounds good to me. We pulled and were immediately impressed with the rolling hills of grape vines. Reminded both of us of back home in Jacksonville.

 Kerry ordered a tasting as well as a beet salad with herb crusted goat cheese. I ordered the the Panini with salami with a side green salad. Oh my gosh. Wonderful meal! We will always remember the AronHill Vineyard and our bartender/server Gayle with a smile.

As we made our way north we were in awe of the spectacular views...each time we turned a corner another breath taking photo op presented itself. This was going to be a long coastal drive. By the time we reached the point where we were 30 miles south of Big Sur, the rain started coming down heavily. This windy road is not one that one should try to navigate with less than optimal visibility. Remember, we just came off of the GREAT SNOWY death know we didn't survive that just to go flying off of some cliff into the Pacific.

We found a great campground run by the state park system and will spend the night here. We met a few interesting people while camping in this park. We were drawn towards a regular van that was converted inside into a full RV minus the bathroom. They were from South France and were on day two of their own odyssey. The van they drove was a rental. They had fun showing us their setup and we all enjoyed trying to communicate in French, English and Spanish...with a little Portuguese for good measure. As we headed back to our own van a girl approached us asking for advice. She needed to find a camp site quickly because the sun was setting, cold rain was drizzling and she still needed to pitch her tent. We took her to a spot next to us, so she would feel safe. Kerry and I showed her how to register with the camp host. Her name was Cena. Then we said our goodnights. We love helping people...way cool.

 Tomorrow we continue this chapter...From here to Crescent city is 425 miles and we have 5 days to make the trip. From now on, the daily driving schedule will be a gentle one. 

Day 58...Nov 11

When I woke up this morning I immediately got out to prepare the morning coffee. I saw Cena at her site and asked her how she slept (it was a pretty cold night). She came over to me and explained that she had a horrible night, couldn't sleep for the cold and the anxiety of traveling alone in such a remote and hard to navigate place. She said she felt ill and was somewhat confused. I looked at her to see if she was showing any signs of illness...I only saw stress. I suggested that she starts her car, turn the heater up high and gets warmed up. She said she will do that. I made an extra batch of coffee so she could have something hot to drink. Meanwhile Kerry went over and talked with her for a awhile, just to make sure Cena was okay. She was! As we pulled out of our camp site, we waved good bye...all seemed well.

                                          Big Sur Photo Op                                                
All the way from Japan

Continuing on our way up to Big Sur, we stopped many times for those amazing photo ops. Just past Big Sur was a restaurant that came highly recommended by our camp host and others. It was called Ripplewood. The food was great. We ate well and loved the ambiance that Ripplewood offered.

Back on the road we made our way up to Carmel By The Sea, the same town Kerry's mom and dad went to on their honeymoon in 1945. This was a town full of prime real estate and home to the rich and famous. As we popped in and out of shops we were pleased to see Kenny G walking by us with his lady friend. Sadly he didn't stop to chat or invite to his place for coffee. Oh well, he must of had a lot on his mind.


Next stop was up in Monterey Bay. We drove the famous 17 mile scenic route along the shoreline and through some amazing neighborhoods. We took so many pictures ... Kerry and I will be busy once we get home, sorting the pictures out..Delete ... Delete ... Save ... Delete

Now we headed to the other side of the Bay to the town of Santa Cruz. We walked up and down the downtown Main Street until we found a little Thai restaurant. Lunch was delicious and luckily we had enough left over for dinner. 

It was now time to find a place to bunker down for the night. As we drove along, we were amazed at how many oil Derek's and farm workers we saw in the fields. We drove to an isolated State park and after inquiring about the cost and what that included, I came up with the bright idea of checking other local camp grounds to see if we can get more bang for our buck. The first place I called charged more...end of call. The next place charged the exact same as the state park but included full hook up. We put them in the GPS and followed the instructions.  We got lost! We were lost in the town of Watsonville...not only lost but lost in the hood. 

I told Kerry it would be alright We finally found the camp a parking lot, next to a school where kids were playing soccer. When I talked to the guy about checking in, the price started going up...Five bucks for a gate key (I didn't want a gate key...had no choice), more money for our poodle Rosie. They had wifi but I was now being told that it never really worked well. I could pay extra for wifi and get a good signal for up to 24 hours. "Kerry, let's go," We headed back to the state park where we started. Now as I write these notes we are once again parked by the sea with sounds of waves crashing against the rocks nearby. Our tummies are full and our bed is warm and comply. Life is good...really good

                          Our neighbor with a second story tent attached to his SUV

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