Sunday, April 29, 2012

Healing Praise - Pray it Forward

Healing Praise – Pray it Forward

Usually when Red (Kerry’s dad) sees the vampires this usually means he had some blood drawn for an upcoming doctor’s appointment. This week was going to be different. On Wednesday, Red came up to us and told us he was having some tummy discomfort. We jumped into action trying to determine what the cause was.

He said that he felt constipated and for the rest of the day we tried everything we could to help him feel better (to get things moving). The next morning (Thursday) when he came into the kitchen, we could tell by the look on his face that he had a sleepless night. A call was placed to his primary care physician and it was suggested that we get him over to the E.R. It was going to end up being an all day event.

Kerry’s sister, Tina, took Red to the hospital and together they dealt with all that the E.R. had to give. A blood test was ordered as well as a cat scan. When all the data started coming in from the various tests, the news ended up being better than expected. There was no blockage in his intestines (an intestinal blockage can be a serious issue). They did give Red some morphine to help with the discomfort and that seemed to help him relax. They also determined that his anemia was something that needed to be addressed. They gave him a unit of blood.

When Red came home, after a long day at the hospital, he had that glow back on his cheeks. He was feeling a thousand times better and as we left for San Diego the following day (Friday) Red was still doing great. Saturday, when we called to see how everyone in Tucson was doing, we were told that all was well.

                                               ...Please donate blood and save a life...

Here is my prayer;

O Father and Holy Spirit, please hear my prayer. There are so many people who are caring for their elderly loved ones. Please give these caregivers strength, insight and patience. Our aging loved ones may sometimes feel lost, and trapped within their broken bodies. Please allow us to be their light, to illuminate their path throughout their final journey. Generous Father, I pray that you overflow the cups of those we care for so that their remaining days are joyful ones. I ask that you strengthen and bless the family as they surround their aging loved one. May the family spiritual bond grow stronger. Our Father, I also give you praise for the healing we see in those we love. We look forward to the ultimate healing, when we come to Your home, our heavenly reward. For all of these things I pray, in your son’s name. Amen.

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