Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Say Ahhh...

Say Ahhh...

As you know, last week was a rough one for Kerry's dad (Red). It started with a tooth ache that wouldn't go away. (see previous post Don't Pull My Leg - Pull My Tooth - April 25, 2012). Red had a tooth pulled and was scheduled to return today (Wednesday) to have another one removed.

While Kerry and I were in San Diego last weekend we kept in touch with Kerry's sister (Tina) to make sure all was going well. It was...until Sunday morning. When we called the house on Sunday (after church) we were told that Red woke up early with another tooth ache. He called his dentist (at home) - yes, this dentist gave Red his home phone number. By 7:30 am Sunday morning, Red was sitting in the chair, receiving the first stages of a root canal. Also, it was determined that alot of Red's discomfort was coming from a dry-socket where he had his previous extraction. The dry socket was treated. The appointment for Wednesday (today) was kept, to continue working on the root canal and dry socket. Of course, antibiotics were prescribed.

The story gets more interesting from here...Red reacted to the antibiotics, even though probiotics were on board. His stomach was constantly upset and that swollen lymph node pressing up against his intestines was causing him discomfort. Red is tired of hurting and getting fed up.
Today (Wednesday) Red told me that he slept better compared to the night before. When his feet are elevated, he feels more comfortable. We will make sure he spends a lot of time with his feet up on his wedge.
As far as Chris goes (Kerry’s mom), she went to the dentist with Red last week, to have a cleaning. They found a cavity and filled it (without novacaine). A cavity, at her age? Drilled and filled without pain meds? Amazing! Today we woke up to the sound of Red calling me on the intercom system we set up between their bedroom and ours. “Richard, Help Help Help,” was the sound I woke up to. Instantly Kerry and I were heading to their apartment to see what was going on. Chris fell between her bed and Red’s bed. No injuries, except for a slight scratch on her shoulder. Within moments (after making sure nothing was broken) we had her up on her feet and on her way to getting her wound cleaned up. After a dressing  was placed on her shoulder, she continued on as if nothing happened.
It has been an interesting week so far. Today, Tina took her dad back to the dentist to continue with his dental work. Next Monday, he will return once again to have the root canal finally filled and follow up appointments will be made to address some small cavity concerns.
Say Ahhh...

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