Sunday, May 27, 2012

Tally Ho...

Tally Ho…

When Red (Kerry’s dad) was a young man, he was a warrior. He fought against the odds and for some unknown reason, he beat them. As a WWII fighter pilot, (flying for the Royal Air Force) he would straddle his Hurricane and head off into battle, man against man, machine against machine, luck against odds.

After the war he returned home a forgotten hero. Since he flew with the RAF (Britian) and not the USAF, his own country would ignore him and his accomplishments. To this day he has no veteran's benefits from the U.S. government. He will be buried with military honors, but only because his wife served in the W.A.V.E.S.

He flew, he fought, he eventually got shot down in the South Pacific and spent the remaining 3 ½ years of the war as a POW on the island of Java (he refers to this as being a guest of the peoples of Japan). How can one make a joke about such an ordeal? He can. He does.

So fighting the good fight is nothing new to this man. Tally Ho was his battle cry and he shouted it every time he faced his enemy. He shouted it often. Today he is fighting his final battle, one he knows he will win. Yes, he will lose the physical battle of body against age, but that is nothing compared to the battle of mind (spirit) over fear (Satan). He knows that when his final moments are upon him, there is nothing ahead of him other than clear skies, no turbulence, and a clearance for landing…at heaven’s gate. We should all be so lucky. Tally Ho.

In this family portrait you can see a young Red, with wife and kids in tow (yes, that is Kerry being held by Chris, her mom).

My prayer today is one of blessings and joy. Blessings for the life we live and joy for the experiences we share with those who care about us.

Father, generous provider, bless those who read these words and especially bless those who are experiencing trials and tribulations. Give them strength to endure as you have done for Kerry and me. As our world is in constant turmoil, I ask that you send your guardian angels to shroud our soldiers with their wings. Let the songs of heaven echo within the hearts and souls of all of my Christian brothers and sisters. As we look up towards your throne, all we see is your glory. As Red and Chris look up towards your glory, all they see is home. And for that we are eternally grateful, in your son’s holy name, Jesus Christ, Amen

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