Wednesday, May 30, 2012

To The Other Side...And Back

To The Other Side…And Back

So far this week has been an easy one. Kerry is back to work and all of the routines are running like clockwork. Sure, there have been a few “moments” now and then but nothing out of the ordinary. That is until last night.

While we were giving Kerry’s dad his 8pm pills, he looked rather pale and his lips were without color. Obviously he needed more oxygen. As I dialed up the oxygen generator, he told me that he felt a bubbling when he took in a breath. I listened to his chest and heard nothing…not to say there wasn’t anything there. He was experiencing coughing and it did sound congested. Kerry asked him if he ever felt this way before and Red immediately remembered his having phenomena a decade ago, and the feeling was much the same, but this time without the pain.

Back, eleven years ago, just after Kerry and I moved to Tucson from San Diego, Red went to an Eagle Squadron reunion in Midland, Texas. During the entire event Red just wasn’t feeling his usual cheerful self. He thought he was coming down with a bad cold. He spent most of his time in the hotel room, instead of enjoying the festivities of the reunion. By the time he got home, he was feeling worse. His doctor thought maybe it was phenomena and prescribed antibiotics-they didn’t help. Red was becoming seriously ill. He was admitted into the ICU and was eventually diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure. He was drowning in his own fluids (from the inside). It was during this event that he experienced his “near death” event. Yes, Red went to heaven and saw what was on the other side. We wrote about the out-of-body experience in my first book *Where Eagles Fly. Here is a sample from the book;

During the five days in ICU, Red only had a few memories, one of which would change his life, forever. He does remember briefly being conscience now and then, only to be followed by the blackness of drug induced sleep. During one of these blackout times, before him, appeared an apparition. It wasn’t the blinding white light everyone talks about when they experience a near death episode. This was different. It was as if the fabric of time was torn. Within the tear, he could see the hole getting bigger and bigger. Inside the tear, there was a beautiful brightness, but it wasn’t blinding. Within the brightness there were people milling about. Some were playing, others just walking to and fro. At the edge of the rift, on the right hand side, was a figure of a woman, standing with her back towards Red. She was looking at the crowd just like Red. Her frame was silhouetted, so not too many details could be seen. Red did notice that her hair was long and black; she looked exactly like his mom.
Red wanted to see more. It was extremely inviting and he felt that he was being drawn in closer and closer. Red was passing over into the other side. Then suddenly, he couldn’t go any further. It was as if his mother was standing guard at the gates to heaven, preventing her son from entering. Red had unfinished business on earth and wouldn’t be allow to enter just yet. The next thing Red knew, he was waking up in the ICU.
He remembered every detail of the vision. He could still feel the warmth and the love that this place was offering him and all those who passed. From that day forward, Red would never fear death again. He now knows what is on the other side and it is beautiful. God had given him the gift, so he could be at peace while he takes care of his responsibilities in the world of mortal beings. He had to take care of his wife, Chris, who was slowly giving in to the limitations of her osteoporosis and scoliosis. Together the two of them would journey into the far reaches of their senior years. Red had a lot to think about. After his five days in ICU, they ran a battery of tests including sonic ultrasound and dye injections. They couldn’t find any traces of his illness. It was as if he was never sick. God was in control and Red knew it.  The aged Eagle was a miracle blessed by God.                 
                                                                                                                                                Back to the reality of Red’s condition today: He slept well last night and had a big breakfast this morning. His hospice nurse came early for her scheduled appointment at 8am and we talked about many things, including the bubbling-she suggested that when he feels that bubbling he should immediately use his inhaler and turn up his oxygen. We will give that a try. When Kerry and I went to bed last night, we looked at each other thinking the same thing – Congestive Heart Failure –   
                                                                                                                                                God is in control of how and when He will take His children home. With Red having a sneak peek into what lays ahead for all of God’s children, we are blessed, and grateful for this divine experience.  
*Where Eagles Fly…Remember Me published by Amethyst Moon Publications 2008.                                                               

Where Eagles Fly…Uncensored  (a re-release) is scheduled for release by Amethyst Moon Publications in July 2012.

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