Sunday, May 6, 2012

Tina Helps With Her Dad...

Tina Helps With Her Dad...

As a nurse, Kerry knows what it is like having patients use their call button when nursing service are needed. Kerry's sister Tina (Christina) is also a nurse who spent the last two weeks here giving us a much needed break. Red and Chris (their dad and mom) used the "oral" call button to the max. The call, “Tina,” can be heard constantly echoing throughout the house. We need to install an intercom system or room monitor. Tina now sees first hand what our day to day responsibilities look like. She leaves on Tuesday - our vacation is over.

As Tina and Kerry’s dad (Red) slides a little further down the slippery slope of his cancers, we get to see how his body, and mind, handles the on slot of medical issues. Constipation, pain, irritation, short temper, irritability, and of course, lack of quality sleep. Any one of these you and I would find intolerable – Red has them all, and more.

We have a meeting with in oncologist on Monday (tomorrow) just to see how his labs are doing. More meds were prescribed to control the pain and slowly this type of chemical numbing will become his daily routine. Hey, as long as he feels pain free I am all for it (we are all “all for it”).

My prayer today is for the soundness of mind of those suffering from any decease.

Father, hear my prayer. Please clear the fog that over takes the dying mind. Allow clear thoughts to find their way to the surface, and to suppress fear and anxiety. Father I ask you to bless Tina for coming here and being a caregiver for her dad while Kerry and I rested. Please give Tina safe travel mercies as she heads back to her family. Lord, we see the spark of your Spirit in Red’s eyes and we pray that he continues to lean on you during those rough days when his body and mind fail him. Most of all Lord we pray for understanding and patience as we deal with Red’s confusion and frustration. He knows we are there for him and for that he is grateful. We know that You Father are there for us and for that we are grateful. Fill our hearts with your Spirit and our minds with your words, so we can share your word with those willing to listen. We pray for all of this in your son’s name, Amen.

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