Monday, May 14, 2012

Sleeping Like A Baby...

Sleeping Like A Baby...

Now that hospice is on board we can tap into them as a resource for those issues that cause us the most grief (lack of sleep).

One of the main issues we have is the regular wake up calls from Kerry's dad (Red) in the middle of the night. If he has some pain or has fallen and needs help, I am there for him, 100%. That was why we set up the walkie talkie system, so he could call me directly (if my services were needed). Those wake up calls have elvolved into more of an every-night-sit-there-and-listen-to-him-rant event, one that leaves me feeling exhausted.

Seeing that his issues were becoming more about confusion versus pain, I was glad to hear that the hospice people had a solution. They sent over some extra meds yesterday and when it was bedtime we administered them, as directed. Last night was the first night in a long time that I slept without interruption. Praise God!

When we got up this morning, just to be sure all was okay; we went into Red's bedroom to check on his status. He was snoring, peacefully, sleeping like a baby.

Good job...hospice!

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