Sunday, May 13, 2012

The "A" Team...

The “A” Team…

I have so many things to talk about. What a week.

Let me see, where do I start? Do I talk about the 2:00am wake-up calls I get every night; those calls by Red (Kerry's dad) asking me to stand and watch him reorganizing his bathroom cupboards in the middle of the night or debate WWII memories? No, I think I already mentioned his middle-of-the-night confussion in a previous BLOG. Should I touch on how much slower Red is moving around? I think that is a given, considering his condition and prognosis. We can go on and on about all of those issues, but it would take a dozen pages to tell the story.

The big event for this week would have to be the sit-down we had on Saturday (yesterday) with a hospice nurse. It only took 2 hours to have all of our questions answered. The papers were signed; as of now Red is a hospice in-home patient. We will be looking forward to his 4 member team coming over to introduce themselves (a nurse, a nurse’s aide, a spiritual counselor and a social worker – The “A” Team). These folks will be here, as needed, on a 24/7 on-call basis. I will update you on how things are going as we get further into our relationship with the “A” Team.

Already today we received a delivery of a bath-pack, an oxygen machine (with tubing), two oxygen tanks (with rolling pull-behind stand) to use in case of a power outage, and a larger walker (with wheels, brakes, a seat and a basket). Yes, these things are all part of the deal and there will be more to come. Yeah Hospice…

My prayer today is a simple one.

Lord, our Father almighty. Bless those who give of themselves to help others in need. Bless those in need. Bless the wonders of life and how fragile you created it. Bless the family who can share in the transformation from an earthly life to a heavenly one. Bless those family members who are not able to share the passing of a loved one so they may find peace and comfort in knowing that you, our Father, who art in Heaven, will watch over those who pass from our hands into yours. And finally, Father, bless Kerry for her stoic strength and conviction, which comes from her devotion to you. For all of these things we pray, in Your sons name, AMEN.

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