Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Help Me I've Fallen And I Can't Get Up...

Help Me I've Fallen And I Can't Get Up...

After another usual nonstop day of stress and concern, we finally sat down to a quiet dinner, reflecting on the day. Chris (Kerry's mom) was still not felling well due to her sinus infection. She ate her meal in her living room. After she eats supper she usually goes in and brushes her teeth, flosses and changes intro her jammies.

While Red (Kerry's dad), Kerry and I were enjoying our usual after-meal conversation, I thought I heard a muffled "Help" coming from somewhere in the distance. I got up and checked on Chris. I found her pinned between the toilet and bidet. She was wedged in there tightly. Apparently, as she was trying to dress, she lost her balance and went down, pulling her walker down on top of her. Chris and Red both wear one of those "Help Me I've Fallen And I Can't Get Up" buttons. The way Chris was wedged in there, she couldn't reach her button...not sure she even thought of trying to reach it. She said all she could do was yell out for help as loud as she could.

A thorough evaluation was done by Kerry and me to insure no bones were broken. Once all seemed okay, we lifted her back up onto her feet. She walked (with walker) all the way back to her living room seat.

Red sat back and watched the entire thing unfold before his eyes, His concern was great and he immediately complained to me that all he could do was watch-feeling quite useless. He was kicking himself for not being able to help. I asked him if he prayed and he said, "Oh Yeah - Big-time." I thanked him for doing that and added that his prayer was a greater thing then my lifting and it was his prayer that delivered his bride uninjured (with only one cut on her left elbow). He stopped kicking himself.

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