Sunday, June 3, 2012

The travellers...

What a great way to end a week. My brother David and his wife Nancy (from Nanaimo, British Columbia) and Nancy’s sister Pat (from Ontario, Canada) arrived on Friday. It is always a joyous time for me to be with family, especially since I get so little time with them. I love being around other Canadians, who speak the way I do, who share my sense of humor and who have a deep and personal history shared with me.
Being the care giver for Chris and Red (Kerry’s mom and dad) I find myself on duty 24/7. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy being here to care for them. I look at it as my job and a rewarding one at that. But getting time to myself is a rare treat and when those opportunities do come up, I “always” take full advantage of them. Yesterday we took our guest up to Sabino Canyon, taking the tram for a round trip ride. Fun! Today we went to the Sonora Desert Museum and got to see some animals, birds, snakes, lizards, bugs and of course hundreds of varieties of cactus.

My heart over flows with joy…my prayer today is for our guest;
Lord, hear my prayer. We praise you for your blessings on Kerry’s mom and dad and for the time we have left with them.  Also we give You praise for the arrival of my family, coming to share this time with us. They understand the heavy weight we carry upon our shoulders as they too, carried the same weight as they helped my mom leave this world and enter into yours. Lord, guard my family near and far and protect them from the darkness that threatens all of us. As we live each and every day, Kerry and I bow before you and give You the praise for all that we have. And we do so in the name of your son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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